Chittorgarh Fort, India
Chittorgarh Stronghold is one of the biggests forts in India and probably one of the most imposing in the Rajasthan state. It is declared a World Heritage. The fortress is better known as Chttor, being once the capital of Mewar Region and nowadays is situated in Chittorgarh City.

Hillier Lake, West Australia
Hillier Lake is a saline lake in the Middle Island, the biggest island from Recherche Archipelago from the southern coast of West Australia.
The lake is known for its pink color. The color that is supposed to be provided by the unique organism that is present in the lake – Dunaliella salina. Another theory states that its pink color is due to the red halophilic bacteria in the salt crust.

Aogashima Volcano, Japan
Aogashima is a volcanic island in Philippine Sea. The island is situated at 350 km south of Tokyo. It is the most southern and isolated island from Izu Archipelago.

Wow! This is real beauty.