Family trip to USA

in #travel7 years ago


Tomorrow I will travel to USA with my family. We are going first to Los Angeles, then to Houston and at the end to Las Vegas. It is going to be mix of business and holiday. Trip will last one month so my articles on Steemit will be more pictures from my travel and less than usual articles about cryptocurrencies.

Summer is here and let's enjoy in it :-)



Welcome to the States!

Thanks 😀

Have a good trip! I live near Los Angeles. Weather is great right now -- will be hot in Houston and in Las Vegas. Vegas is a super fun town though for adults.

I was already few times in LA and Vegas and I know what I will have there but Houston is new to me :-)
Thanks :-)

Wow it sounds good
hope that you and your family will enjoy the trip.
stay blessed


Have fun!

Thanks neighbor :-)

Enjoy your trip man!

Thanks mate :-)

Have a great time and be sure to keep us updated on your adventures.

Will do :-) Thanks :-)

Срећан пут и лепо се проведите @cicbar! Надам се да ћете слати утиске с пута на Стимит. Ево једне разваљотке за испраћај:

Hvala :-) Ubiše ih večeras, svaka im čast!

Нема на чему, @cicbar. Постоји ли на Скоруму клизач за избор јачине гласа као и на Стимиту?

Postoji kad imaš preko 1000SP

Охо, биће знојења ко на тренингу ;)

:-) kakvi su ti prvi utisci sa Scoruma? Misliš li da može da bude uspešan?

То је везано пре свега за вредност и употребљивост њиховог новчића. Ако буде растао, рашће и платформа. Зависи и од тога шта ће се појављивати на ЕОС платформи. Што се мене тиче, користићу платформу за заје*ањцију, историју и критику професионалног спорта. Таман да тиме не давим на Стимиту :)

Е, да, нема везе са спортом, али чини ми се занимљива идеја продаје података изнета на платформи.

All the best for your enjoyable and safe trip to USA. Hopefully you will share few trip events with us @cicbar

Will do for sure :-)

Have fun*****

Will do :-) Thanks

One of the best countries to vacation, LA very good, and Las Vegas the best to enjoy day and night

Thanks :-)

Have fun! We will keep contact!
In the mean time enjoy your time with the family and create some great business relations!

Thanks mate, stay in touch :-)

Sounds like a great trip @cicbar. Have a wonderful time with your family. A whole month. How wonderful! 😊

Thanks :-) My body and brain have waited for this :-)

Enjoy your trip and good fortune for the business related things. Don't be a stranger to posting, keep us posted.


I wish you a good trip. Enjoy the time with your family

Thanks :-)

wow! the next year i will go to spain, for one year or more maybe.
Where are you from? im ecuadorian!

Nice, I am from Serbia :-)

do you have any idea to create a proyect inside scorum? i want to begin something to benefitiate persons that dont have resources toa ccess the fun and experience of various sports

Scorum is still too young project. They have to fix many things first and then projects can start.

Merry holiday!!!!!!!

Thanks 😀

thats very good choise to visit usa trip wish you a good business trip,enjoy adventures trip

I hope you are enjoying your trip. I may go to Las Vegas one day myself. Do you do any gambling ?

Casino gambling no. I gamble by investing in crypto projects 😀