I was shipwrecked in Haiti, but left that boat and bussed to the Dominican Republic ( future blog for sure ).
I spent about 1 1/2 months in Luperon ( A Famous sailor stop & much more blogs to follow).
I'm stuck there till another ride comes along.
So 1 night I'm at a friends bar & restaurant shooting pool and winning. A rather large dude took up the next challenge and not far into the game he sinks the 8 ball! Done deal right?
Nope, he grabbed the 8 ball before it fell & put it back on the table!
WTF I say and he replies " No that's the game here, we keep playing! "
I call BS but he insists several times, I'm drunk so I say "I've played pool in so many Country's and while rules do change from place to place, Sinking the 8 Ball is game over everywhere! " In my shitty Spanish, And he keeps on insisting....
So I take my cue and clean the table! Done deal now.
His face turns a few shades redder but takes his friends and leaves.
It was only later that night I spoke with my friend and the owner of the bar to tell this tale, And what did he say?
Oh ya, Cody, that's the game here!
Well didn't I feel the asshole and buddy was long gone, Me unable to apologize to him, and try to make good for my indescretion.
So be careful my friends, never assume ( ASS of U & ME ) your right and check first :-) when playing pool anywhere!
I'm lucky dude didn't kick my ass ( or at least try ) LOL
Don't let it happen to you, get the info before the break, Learn from my mistakes, And I'll learn from yours :-) If you share with me back :-)
So, which ball did you need to sink in order to win? Or were there no winners? lol
Typical 8 ball pool, But you sink the 8 after all your balls, if it put it down before, It's just considered a scratch, and the game continues :-) Who New ?
Everyone but me LOL