Making blanket statements like that is foolish! I can become a whale! It is not worth it for you to fo that. Free country, do as you will! At this point you are the only one on my list! Not sure how u zero out my pal with not as much, but I’m slowing down my voting so my power grows to counter whatever it is. We don’t have to be enemies, i saw u on marky’s blog so maybe that is why! I looked at wallets, must have missed something there, will re-check!
I’m trying to change my ways, i know i did some wring flags before, if it wasn’t for your flag on me today I would not have flagged anyone! Today I undid a lot of my flags from yesterday! I an reasonable. If you stop flagging me I will even upvote your posts now and then, idk! Maybe be easier for both if us that way.
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Only if you buy in and put on your big boy panties. 'Cause it ain't happening by earning anything.
oh i see it now!

Fine I’m not earning anything on PAL, you win!
I will still post there and stuff, it is 1up from steemit! Guess we’ll just fight forever then!