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RE: What's The Name Of This Street? - New York York City (1999)

in #travel6 years ago

It still gets quite occasionally. My wife and I were on a business trip and decided to drive into New York for a day. It just happened to be Memorial Day weekend. As we were driving in it looked like a mass exodus. We were driving the speed limit+ on the way into the city but outbound was bumper to bumper for over an hour... The traffic going north was bumper to bumper for at least 50-60 miles from the city.
When we got into the city on the surface streets there was very minimal traffic, found parking easily too! We only waited in line at the MET for about 15 minutes. I was actually driving through downtown at rather good speeds. I even drove her through times square with only a slight slowdown because of tour buses.
It was much different from the last time I was there, it was extremely quite for New York.


Pretty interesting experience you had there, @coinsandchains.