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RE: Our Visit to Viking Village on Long Beach Island

in #travel8 years ago

You're very welcome! Nice post! :)

About formatting, I recommend going back even after you've posted and "fixing" things that seem out of place... I did notice a couple. Here's one thing that confused me:

"There will be approximately 7.2 different purchasing experiences this year ..."

Not quite clear to me what that means?


"except for a few holidays
that stores are closed."

Seems to me that is an unwanted line break?

Generally on the formatting, do read up and "experiment" with Markdown - you can do quite a bit with it. You can also embed HTML, although not everything will work.j

If you have any specific questions about formatting, I'd be glad to try to assist! Let me know! :D

Anyhow, GOOD JOB! Keep up the great work!


Thanks a million.