WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT
Hello fellow Steemians,
I hope you are all having a great start to the new week. As usually, feel free to submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.
Kvetna Zahrada (Flower Garden) in Kromeriz, a beautiful historical town located in the Moravian part of the Czech Republic. Founded in the second half of the 17th century, the flower garden was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998.
Source: Shutterstock, author: 54115341
Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words. I will then go through your submissions and upvote those that meet the requirements. Let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.
I am really happy to see more and more great photos being submitted to this challenge every day. Yesterday was no exception, we had several awesome entries featured in the photo challenge, including this impressive image taken by our regular contributor @nenio with the following description:
Many people will agree that the most famous monument of Prague is Charles Bridge. Here there is a view of this bridge crossing the Vltava River. The bridge with its towers is built in Gothic style. The sepia tone of the photo, gives to the mage a nostalgic mood.
Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!
Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.
Travel Tip: Kutná Hora – picturesque Czech town that once rivaled Prague´s dominance
ColorChallenge - Indigo Saturday - @axeman in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!
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The National Museum, in Czech: Národní muzeum, was founded in 1818 and is located at the top of the Wenceslas Square. The building as you can see in the photo was actually build between 1885 and 1890. Sadly it was attack during WW2 and in 1968. The National Museum holds five departments in more than 11 buildings all over the city. Actually the main building is closed since 2011 for reconstruction. The planned opening is scheduled for October 2018.
Excellent entry! Thank you for sharing with everyone!
Autumn in the Seminary Garden
This photo shows a view through the orchards on the slopes of Petrin Hill to the Church of Our Lady of Victories and the Old Town beyond. The trees had just begun to change colour in early October when I visited the old Seminary orchard now a part of the extensive public park that encompasses the north side of Petrin Hill.
Nice and peaceful scenery :) I know exactly where this spot is on the way to the Petrin Lookout ;)
This looks so calming, a perfect place to sit and think.
Stunning entry, stunning picture! Thank you so much! Have a great day and keep on steeming. Tomas
I've been to Prague many times. It is always a pleasure to return to this city. Despite the large number of tourists, you can always live your own story. This photo from one of my first visit. Then only opened the passage in the cathedral of St. Witt. And at the exit from it you could make a picture of the vault and stained glass. But so that on a photo it was not visible people. As if you are alone in this huge and majestic structure.

Thank you so much for your beautiful entry!
Wallenstein Garden, Prague
This photo reminds me of the Wallenstein Garden that I walked into by accident on my last day in Prague. The baroque garden is really beautiful and also features this pavilion that is now used by the Czech government.
Click on image to enlarge
Thank you for your participation in today`s challenge! Great job, you ROCK!
Stribrne Jezero (coloquially known as Sadrak) in Opava, Silesia, Czech Republic. It is a flooded quarry that attracts hundreds of local people in summer as the water is very clear and refreshing. There are few people around the lake in fall, although it offers these beautiful views. Image taken in October 2015.
Fabulous! Great post!
Prague astronomical clock or Prague orloj on the Old Town Square. Every hour tourists with cameras at the ready gather in front of the Old Town Hall to enjoy a amazing performance and take photos. The clock is one of Europe's best known tourist attractions.
One just has to love that old clock:)... Have a great day and keep on steeming! Tomas
Hus Congregational House of Czechoslovak Hussite Church (Husův sbor), a Hussite church in Na Václavce Street in Prague's district of Smichov. It's a functionalist building built in 1935. The construction lasted for 10 months and the basic building material was concrete.

Nice! I used to rent an apartment not to far from there some 13 years ago. Time goes so fast:(.....
I take pictures of architecture very often. Mostly modern ones. Gothic temples are really inspiring for me, and I still wonder how it is possible that these buildings still stand. The photo of the vault in the Cathedral of sv. Vít is nothing original, but the construction is just impressive.
Thank you for your entry. Great addition to the challenge. Tomas
A view on the legion bridge Prague Czech Republic. The bridge is named after national legion and it stands on Vltava, Czech's longest river. There are two towers on both sides of the bridge. This bridge connects the National boulevard and the Lesser Town.
Thank you for providing some good info to other Steemians. Have a good one! Tomas
Katedrála sv. Víta Praha. A well known and important cathedrale.
It is a part of the praha castle complex. It has a very dominante building. The royalty was very much connected with cathedrale sv. Víta . There was guarded jewelry from the kings.
Well I have posted 2 photos of the National Monument in Vitkov because it is so big, vast and beautiful!

Statue of Jan Žižka is third largest equestrian statue in the world.
The monument was unveiled in 1950 on the anniversary of the battle on Vítkov (1420), in which the Hussites under the leadership of Jan Žižka defeated the Crusaders' troops in this place. The bronze monument has admirable size: it is 22 m high including the pedestal and the total weight is 16.5 t.
Long exposure of the Troja bridge. I snuck out one night, strolled through the Stromovka park near our Airbnb and stumbled on this beauty. I must have taken 50 pictures of this bridge that night. something about it just memerized me. Hope you enjoyed.
Fabulous picture! Thank you so much for your entry!
Thanks. I was beginning to wonder if you were a real person, because you never commented on the last one I submitted. I thought that picture was beautiful, and it was my first ever post on Steemit. I felt lonely and left out of the cool kids club.
Great shot of the astronomical clock, or Orlog, in Old Town Square. Not only is it fascinating that this was created in the 1400s, but also the fact that it is still functioning today!
The Milada Horáková memorial, I found it while getting lost one day. I had to look it up when I got home and found a website with a description.
Here is what it says:
At the end of Sněmovní street at Pětikostelní square stands the recently unveiled monument to Dr. Milada Horáková, which also stands to commemorate resolve and resistance against totalitarianism. The winning design by Academic sculptor Josef Faltus shows a skylark, alighted on a microphone, like the one Milada Horáková stood in front of at the show trial for her alleged espionage and high treason.
Hello Tomas,

these photos are from Zlin. First are industrial buildings of former Bata's shoes company, the other are houses that Mr. Bata let built for his workers in 20's and 30' s of 20th century by the plans of architect Karfik.
My sister lives in Zlin:)
I don't see many fountains where I live. This one is in the Prague parliament area. Someday I would like to swim in a fountain like in that movie La Dolce Vita. A young Anita Ekberg would be more than welcome.
This is a just a picture of a typical building in Prague. He is situated on the roundabout Dusni near the statue of Frank Kafka and the Jewish Cemetery. Those streets in this district are really full of beautiful building like that. Even after walking few times in them you discover new things! Just keep you eyes up!

Just a typical building in Prague, I like that:)
On the territory of the Prague Castle there is a wonderful toy museum. This unique toy kingdom was created in 1989 by the famous Prague director Ivan Steygr.
Kindly follow the instructions and have your image accompanied by the text of minimum 30 words in order to be eligible for an upvote. Thank you for your understanding. Tomas
happy new year my friend
Fantastic photography
one of the best..........thanks for sharing
This is a very amazing city..
I never been there unfortunately, I hope I will see all the places you posted someday
since yesterday i saw the picture i was waiting for more and i think i waited over these pictures are so beautiful and the place is damn awesome .. keep posting amazing thing for us ....with love
you find really valuable work and share with us. so it's my chance to follow you. thank you.
Hey guy ! Am just new here.Can africa participate in this contest?.i found it interesting to participate
if it was not mentioned, i would think that the photo is from 1930-50s - great job @nenio :D
well your prague collection is also wonderfull and awesome and the all photos in your collection are exellent this photo is really beautifull and good shot @czechglobalhosts
I want to visit Czech Republic and I want to drink.
Fantastic photography
love all the love for prague
wow amazing
Wonderful post! Thanks for sharing your content and pictures on your visit to Czech. I follow and upvote you.
Kvetna Zahrada (Flower Garden) in Kromeriz and the most famous labyrinth in the world, Tibetian Antenna. Proved to receive & emit energy. When people walk through it, they generate energy...
Love that Charles Bridge in Prague!
Woooooow! beautiful dear i like it thanks for sharing i always wait your post I follow you and hope you also do same for me thanks happy new year
Good scenery Friend! Happy new year! Go through my blog and see my new content, greetings :D
Amazing visuals @czechglobalhosts. I wish to visit Czech some day and hopefully meet some Steemians there :)
Absolutely breathtaking pictures, I love greenery.
nicely your prague series is also wonderfull and great and the all pics in your collection are exellent this picture is simply beautifull and accurate shot @czechglobalhosts