Do you need to be rich to travel? What do you say?

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hello fellow steemians,

I know I am going to start some fierce discussion by asking this question. Do you have to be rich to travel? I know there will be various opinions on this issue based on my previous experience. Would be great to hear you out in the comments below.


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You don't need to be rich to travel. But you need to travel to be rich :)

This sums up exactly what I wanted to say -- I love it! Some people take very expensive vacations but never really venture outside of their hotels, while others travel cheaply, but aren't afraid to venture off the beaten path to really get to know the place they're visiting. I think the latter will end up with the better experience.

I love that! You are spot on my friend and the type of answer I was looking for! Have a great day! Tomas

Spot on:)....Thank you! I like to hear that since the last time I got some negative feedback that one has to be rich to travel which is, in my opinion, not correct....

Well said nailed it.....

No, you just need a sense of adventure...and maybe a passport.

There you go, you said it right there! Absolutely agreed!

you don't need to be rich. you just have to want to do it. travelling is the most powerfull tool to develop yourself

Exactly! Travelling is not about staying in expensive hotels, flying first class or eating in expensive restaurants. That certainly is a way to do it as well if one can afford it but cheap train ride or low-cost airline, friends house to stay in or maybe a little job on the way to add some funds is a very enriching way to discover the world.... Well, just my thoughts....Tomas

Yes. I feel you, Tomas. For me travelling is about the experience, things you see, discovering the culture and connecting with local peoples. Not expansive hotels, that anyone can do in his living town

I guess it depends on how you want to travel!

If you want to travel in first class, stay in luxury hotels and eat at the fanciest restaurants then you may have to be rich ( I say "may" since there are still ways that you can travel like this without money.)

However, there are always ways to travel without a lot of money. That's​ part of the fun of traveling for me. Finding those good deals and booking a trip on a whim!

The state I live in has the highest cost of living out of anywhere in America but my wife and I are still able to ​travel. It really comes down to what other sacrifices​ that you are willing to make in your everyday life that will allow you to do what you love.

Like you say! Which state are you from? The cost of living is very descent in the Czech Republic, very cheap for Americans actually:).... Great place to visit to spent you USD:)....

I live in Maui, Hawaii! Oh yea I would love to visit the Czech Republic

And I would love to visit Hawaii:).... One day!

No! I need good shoes only.

LOL and a good sense of humor:).... nice one!

I say you need to travel as much as you can while spending as little as you can. There are ways to travel without spending tons of money.

Good one! Absolutely agreed! Thank you for that! Unfortunately a lot of people do not see it that way! Tomas

you raised such a question which made me to think for a while..... with regards to this question my answer is travelling the world does not means going through all the countries to have a rich experience there you just have to reflect your own life with respect to those of others ..... there maybe a quite bit of difference but i think that makes sense.... love your post....

I like your answer, very political:)....

I am sure there are many things one could still do without being in the upper 1%. However as someone who has never left the US I think its safe to say that traveling is often a luxury most lower or middle class citizens can not afford

I would not necessarily agree on that since one does not have travel very far to explore..... I know way to many people that have not even traveled around my own country or the neigbouring countries where you can get comfortably on a very low budget.... just a difference of opinion.... I believe it really is based on what one really wants to do in life and we all have different priorities which is perfectly fine..... Thank you for your comment and have a great day!

I'm not sure. But I do agree that one needs courage. Trying to find mine :D

I am sure you will find it one day! Wishing you the best of luck! Tomas

No, but you need time...

That's absolutely right! We need time to do that but I can tell you it is absolutely worth the time! Money will be gone one day but the memories will stay.....

Nevím @czechglobalhosts. Mám problém s tou kuráží, proto potřebuji prachy. Holt doba komunismu na mne hodně zapůsobila...

i check above post amazing picture....

all you need is a great mind and some cool life hacks to travel the world :)

Yes. You definitely have to be rich. Rich in freedom, rich in mind and rich in courage.