Prague/Czech Republic - Thursday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

in #travel7 years ago

WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT

Hello fellow Steemians,

I hope you are all having a great day! :) As usually, I am here with my daily photo challenge where you can submit your personal images from your travels to Prague and other locations in the Czech Republic in the comment section below.

The best 15 entries of the day will get my upvote. I will then pick the absolute winner of the day from these 15 photos. The winning photo will be awarded with a bigger upvote and it will also be featured as the cover image for the challenge post the next day to give the author of the winning shot some more exposure and publicity.

Don’t forget to add a short background story for your entry with at least 30 words and let me just remind you one more time that only personal images will be accepted in the challenge.

There were many great entries submitted in the yesterday Prague/Czech Republic photo challenge and I had a hard time picking the best one. After a deliberate consideration, however, I decided to choose the following entry by @photovisions:

Prague - old town in capital city of Czech Republic is one of the most beautiful places I have visited. I am not a great fan of architecture or old monuments but this place - I was simply amazed. There is sooo many amazing motives to photograph, It is imposible to resits its beauty. You feel the history there and a hard work of the greatest artists and architects. I dont need to know the name of this building - I just admire its beauty!.

Click on the image for a large view

I rewarded @photovisions winning entry with some extra upvote. Feel free to visit his blog and check out some of his other photos.

Thank you for your submissions. Have a great day and keep on Steeming!

Please feel free to check out some of my other recent posts.

Love locks: serious problem in many European cities including Prague

7 World's Continents Photo Challenge - week #26 - vote for your favorite picture of the week!

ColorChallenge - Orange Tuesday - @crazy-andy in 7 World's Continents Photo Challenge!

Prague/Czech Republic - Tuesday photo challenge - share your personal pictures from your visit to the Czech Republic!

CEO & Founder of CGH


upvote follow resteem.gif


My entry for today is one of the crown jewels in Old Town Prague, the Rudolfinum. Built in 1885, this serves as home to the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra as well as a contemporary art museum. This magnificent building was named after Crown Prince of Austria, Rudolf, who led the opening ceremony. The Rudolfinum even served as a seat of Parliament between 1919 and 1939 before it became home to the orchestra. And standing in front of this building near sunset was one of my favorite parts of walking around Prague during my visit!

Find interesting points for shooting an exciting lesson. Especially when it comes to shooting with a tele-lens. Because it allows you to compress the space and put in a single photo at once several objects that are at a distance from each other.
You imagine in your head what sights you want to combine in the frame. And you start looking. Walking can take more than one hour. And you can see a lot of interesting things on the road. In Prague, this is a very cool time escort. Firstly, there are a lot of interesting and charismatic buildings in the city. Secondly, an interesting landscape. And of course Vltava)

Here I wanted to shoot an off-standard view with rushes on the river ....
Prague view

What a wonderful entry to feature in today´s challenge. Tomas

Photo of a Easter Market at Old Town Square at dusk. In many European cities there is the tradition of markets in public spaces during Easter. During this time of the year in Central and Easter Europe there is the tradition decorating tree branches with ribbons and eggs of bright colours.

I took this photo from the staircase that leads to Prague Castle in Prague. In the summer there it is especially beautiful. The greenery of the plants and the orange color of the roofs of Prague create a festive mood. I want to return here many more times.


When I went last year to shoot Karlstejn. The weather was not perfect. There was something about -17 degrees and clear sky. Fortunately, it was a snow cover. And behind the castle the sky was pink for a moment.

Absolutely amazing image!


Nice wooden sculptures above the entrance to "Marionette Theatre" in Prague. Capital city of Czech Republic is not only a national capital but also European capital of art, culture and monuments... also great place to eat well and spend a good time with friends - perfect destination for a holiday trip!


Old Town Square. The area is full of tourists and Prague. In this place there is a special atmosphere, even a little mystical.
In the square each house is unique and unique. It is impossible to find two identical buildings. Everyone has a rich history. If you are interested in history, then buy an excursion from representatives of various travel agencies. If the story is not interesting, then you can just walk around the square, it is beautiful and unique. She draws her to him.


Nothing compares to walking through the beautiful streets of Old town square in Prague, where you can see every building, every statue, every place with more attention; These walks are what fill you with joy to know new places in Czech Republic.


This is my beloved place PEFCZU campus. I take it The year's last. lovliest smile!
Thank you so much @czechglobalhosts for your beautiful contest.This is my best place because my maximum time passing at this beautiful #Campus. I love my campus always. very beautiful Nature.

This is Tančírna (Dancing-hall) which is located in Crayfish valley after The End of The World, so it's not so easy to find;) I was there twice last year and for the second time I went there not knowing that I already was there. I know that my description is not so clear... but I would like to leave some place for imagination.

This may not be a great photo technically but captures the mood perfectly. I was busy strolling in the Wenceslas Square, taking in the sights of this beautiful city called Prague. I was just about to drown completely in the delicious aroma of Trdelnik (a baked delicacy) when I heard the familiar sound of a Tabla( Indian Percussion instrument ). I turned to find a duo jamming where the guy was playing the Tabla and the girl was hitting the highest notes through her voice and her trumpet. I didn't get a word of what she was singing but she had a captivating voice. The duo seemed rather happy with their performance as it shows in the pic. The music hit the right notes. Loved the experience :)Here's my entry for Thursday Photo Challenge hosted by @czechglobalhosts.


Hello, this building with modern look was built in 1930 and it's the most well-known villa in the city of Brno - functionalistic Villa Tugenhat, the work of the architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Because of Jewish origin the owners had to escape before the World War II. Villa Tugenhat now belongs among monuments listed in World Cultural Heritage UNESCO sites.The story of the building inspired Simon Mawer to his bestseller The Glass Room.DSC03985.JPG

I think this is the first time we get Villa Tugenhat entered in the contest! Thank you so much for that. Tomas

With pleasure

Piss Sculpture

These guys in front of the Franz Kafka Museum in Prague seem to get a lot of attention. They are standing in a pool that is in the shape of the country. Just goes to show you Czechians have a sense of humor. It's just north of the Charles Bridge on the Old Town side of the river.

Piss Sculpure.JPG

Slavkov Castle.jpg

Castle of Slavkov ranks among the oldest well-preserved manors in Moravia. According to written sources the history of the present Baroque castle began in the 13th century, at that time there was the commandery of Teutonic Knights Order.

What a wonderful entry! Thank you so much for that. Tomas

This picture was taken from behind the main altar of St Barbara’s church in Kutná Hora. The ribbing of the vaulted ceiling typical of gothic architecture seems very far up. Shall we start climbing up the grapevine like Jack up the beanstalk and see where it gets us?


I am always enjoying to join with this contest. That's why sometimes i captured some pictures for this contest. This picture captured by my phone. beautiful place for walking mood. This place at kapucinske namesti, Brno-stred. I hope you like my photo. Thank you Tomas!

Nechci nic říkat, no vlastně chci, ale úplně stejnou fotku (jen přiblíženou - jsou tam úplně stejná auta, stejně zaparkovaná) sem před pár dny dávala @ava66 Navíc mi připadne, že píšete stejnou angličtinou (stejné chyby a výrazy). Píši ti to v češtině, protože jelikož jsi z ČR, tak mi určitě rozumíš. Jak to tedy s vámi je? Jestli ti křivdím, tak se ti předem omlouvám. Odpověz prosím v češtině, díky ;)

Nevím, co pro mě znamenáš. Pokud se s někým něco stane, nemyslím si, že je to špatné.

May be this place name is Arek city, Brno-stred, i remember! i visited here! that place is amazing!

Great Call @sili

Prosim o vysvetleni! If nothing it is rather suspicious!

Thank you Tomas :)
Btw Její profil je falešný (ukradená identita). Našla jsem si pravou Angelinu a ta rozhodně nepíše jako google translate. Tak jsem milou falešnou Angelinku aspoň nahlásila :) A stejně tak si myslím, že pravděpodobně bude falešná i @ava66 a možná k nim patří i @aliayana níže, ale tím si nejsem úplně jistá.

Usmívám se na vaše pochybnosti. Není co říct

BRAVO! Presne ty tri jmena jsem si dal take dohromady! Nechapu, kde berou cas na veci, jez nikam nevedou.... JJ, @steemcleaners will do:)....

PS: Dekuji za ostrazitost!

Today I share with my beautiful moment at prague
The Prague's main attraction church St. Vitus cathedral. This is one of the most beautiful places I have visited. Every time lots of people visited at here, one of the popular old church is it. so i visited here & take this photo for my happiness moment.


Hi! Kindly provide an ownership to this image... I am little suspicious as there seem to be few things happening here that I am trying to figure out. If this truly is your image then I am sure you won´t have problems with that. I do apologize in advance if I am making wrong assumptions. Tomas

Hey Tomas! this is my own photo, just some edit here. okay i will send the orginial photo!


the FRANZ KAFKA head sculpture panel rotates.
The sculpture that forms the face of famous Czech writer Franz Kafka.
The statue of Kafka is 11 meters in size and is made of 42 rotating panels.
The statue is made of aluminum, and moves kinetic all the time. The statue is located in the shopping center Quadrio yard in the city of praha.

Hi! Kindly provide an ownership to your image! This is just a routine check of some entries. Thank you for your understanding. Tomas

thanks. I see. this contest is amazing. so that's fair for rigorous selection. but that's right my drawing. because i have some photos.


I am very happy with your policy, but I also have post photos, if I can put a link here

The only entries that will be considered are an image from your trip to the Czech Republic. So if you have that, feel free to post the image as a comment.

I do not have it, but I have a travel photo in Aceh with a beautiful atmosphere

That photo would fit the criteria for the Asian Sunday or even the Tuesday of Antarctica and World's Oceans contests. This contest is for entries of the Czech Republic. There is also the European Thursday Contest that you can take part in here if you have any pictures you have taken while traveling in Europe.

Thank you Wes for your explanation!

I will take part in this contest very soon I hope. It's amazing to see these photos daily. Very refreshing :D

The Charles Bridge is a bridge that connects the Old Town of Prague with the district of Malá Strana.

Amazing image! I just wish you put a minimum 30-word description required for the contest. Tomas


When we come across Tyn Church in the Old City Square, we see the Astronomical Clock Tower. first hour by Kadan nikulas 15. it was built at the beginning of the century. 15 in was built by Hunchun master, Professor at Charles University at the end of the century. 16. in the second half of the century, the clock became the present day by the master Taborsky. A clock that shows the location of the sun, the moon, and the earth. After the Astronomical Clock Tower is built, thousands of people flock to Prague to see the clock tower. The King blinded the eye of the master who built the clock tower in order to prevent the Astronomical Clock Tower from being built in another place. Usta commits suicide by leaving himself on the wire of the watch. The clock is broken and cannot be used for about 50 years. The skeleton, which is to the left of the clock at the beginning of each hour, opens two windows, and the passage of 12 Apostles starts from right to left. The show is complete with the buzzing of the rooster and the ringing of the bell.