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RE: Cape Town - I Already Love You + A Bonus Picture From A Sh**thole Country

in #travel7 years ago

Cape town is a lovely place, and my experience of the mother city was my first sweetheart. Those memories are locked vividly in front of me as I type this, The first time I went there after that again was last year in May. I felt a little sick, and I missed her terribly that day.

Thankfully it went away. Last year I was three hours away from the mother city. I volunteered at a lifestyle and wellness center that was situated on a farm in the little karoo and I was taught how to treat lifestyle diseases with a whole food plant based diet and natural and holistic medicine.

Right now my soul is beaming, This kind of happiness is priceless. Your post prompted all of this, thank you.


Hi there. Soudns like you had a cool experience! And it's good that you got well!

I love this place. I love the food, the people and the music. The sun is not too bad either, as it's winter where I live in Norway right now.