Hutan lindung kota langsa

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Hi steemans!! Hows kalin this morning, hopefully still healthy and uplifting.

During the last perjelanan I went on to a tour of the newest in the city namely langsa langsa protected forest, and when I entered the gate of the entrance of the forest city of Langsa, I was immediately greeted with a cage-cage animals such as crocodiles, deer, snakes, monkeys, ferrets, hedgehog and numerous types of birds. And I feed the reindeer a good-value buy carrot dudah packaged for Rp. 2,000. And I was accompanied by small children, and very happy to feed the deer in the forest.

In these sights, there is also a pond which is unfortunate to have murky waters. Dikolam is also available children's rides, such as the duck can be rented bikes to get around the pool. At any price is quite cheap, but the murky water is a bit of an eyesore in the forest, if the water is clear, certainly it would seem the more enchanting.

Tourists can walk around exploring the vastness of the forest reached the 9 acres. Enjoy the cool air, and green scenery in the form of rows of trees can get rid of tiredness after a tired doing daily activities. This place is indeed became the favorite attractions for the family when the holiday arrives. When the long holidays, the forest of Langsa will be very crowded will overwhelm the visitors. On a typical day, the average visitor reaches 3000 people per day. Visitors can experience a surge, when the new year holiday and Idul fitri holiday. Most tourists unwind roll out the carpet, under a tree, while eating a meal and bersendau banter along with relatives. This is the postinga I hopefully bermafaat for you. @daralisa

Hi steemans!! Bagaimana kabar kalin pagi ini,semoga masih sehat dan semangat.

Siang tadi saya melanjutkan perjelanan ke wisata terbaru di kota langsa yaitu Hutan lindung kota langsa ,dan Ketika saya memasuki gerbang pintu masuk Hutan Kota Langsa, saya langsung disambut dengan kandang-kandang hewan seperti buaya, rusa, ular, kera, musang, landak dan berbagai jenis burung. Dan saya memberi makan rusa dengah membeli wortel yang dudah dikemas seharga Rp. 2.000. Dan saya Didampingi oleh anak-anak kecil, dan sangat senang memberi makan rusa-rusa yang ada di dalam hutan ini.

Didalam tempat wisata ini, terdapat pula sebuah kolam yang sangat disayangkan memiliki air keruh. Dikolam ini juga tersedia wahana permainan anak-anak, seperti sepeda bebek yang bisa disewa untuk berkeliling kolam. Harga sewanya pun terbilang cukup murah, namun airnya yang keruh sedikit merusak pemandangan di hutan, jika airnya jernih pasti hutan ini akan nampak makin mempesona.

Wisatawan juga bisa berkeliling menyusuri hutan yang luasnya mencapai 9 hektar ini. Menikmati udara sejuk, dan pemandangan hijau berupa deretan pepohonan dapat menghilangkan rasa penat usai lelah melakukan aktivitas sehari-hari. Tempat ini memang menjadi objek wisata favorit bagi keluarga saat libur tiba. Ketika libur panjang, Hutan Kota Langsa ini akan sangat ramai dipadati pengunjung. Pada hari biasa, rata-rata pengunjung mencapai 3000 orang per hari. Pengunjung pun bisa mengalami lonjakan, ketika libur lebaran dan tahun baru. Kebanyakan para wisatawan bersantai menggelar karpet dibawah pohon, sambil menyantap makanan dan bersendau gurau bersama sanak keluarga. Inilah postinga saya semoga bermafaat bagi anda. @daralisa

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