The Dog Bar Review in St. Petersburg, Florida

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

What could be better than dogs and bars? we love both.

I have a doggie named Bebe (Baby in Spanish, so original lol) I absolutely love him and he is my baby! He has many great qualities. Like he's very opinionated, beyond intelligent, loving when he wants to be and oh so funny! He's perfect. Daylin, on the other hand, does not have a dog but does like certain ones, especially pugs. She's more of the play with them for a little but he's yours.

It's Saturday night Bebe was bored and I had promised him earlier I would hang out with him and take him to the park. Then something in my brain clicked and I remembered driving by The Dog Bar. I knew it was the perfect moment to go. I called Daylin of course! We also invited our cousin who has a Maltese, Summer. Off we went to the unknown.

We arrived and as soon as we walked in we went straight to the bar and checked the place out. Daylin had a mojito and I asked for something sweet. It was Delicious. It was a peachy color but I couldn't pin point the flavors all I knew is that it tasted like sunsets and waves. Yumm! Sorry, we forgot to take pics of the drinks, we were too distracted with all the cute pups. (click the link to visit website)

The Dog Bar
2300 Central Ave.
St. Pete, FL 33712
P: (727) 317-4968
Email: [email protected]

SUN 12PM-11PM || MON Closed || TUE-THUR 4PM-12AM || FRI 4PM-1AM || SAT 12PM-1AM

We then went through the little gate and into the play area. Summer was not in the mood to play and she was trying to crawl up the first leg she found. She loved some random guy & his girlfriend who were just there enjoying some doggie company. They didn't own a dog because they couldn't have one where they live, so they liked coming to The Dog Bar and playing with the dogs there. As soon as Bebe hit the floor he was off socializing and making friends. He likes to say hi and sniff.

We were there for a good while until they were worn out. Then we went inside to play some games (mainly cornhole lol) and sip some more drinks. It was a very chill and laid back atmosphere. Everyone was very friendly and sociable. We had a great time. On Saturdays, they close at 1 am and we were there until very late.

  • Great Atmosphere
  • Doggies Everywhere
  • Yummy Drinks
  • Fun Games
  • Great Location & Hours
  • Everyone is Nice



I've thought about swinging by there with one of my 4 pooches. Do they still have a fee to register your dog?

PS - They've had a deal on Groupon for a long time, fyi, check it out if you head back. Let me know, maybe I'll bring my Havanese down.

PS - Followed you for St Pete stuff.

You should definitely stop by with them! We didn't know that there used to be a fee, but maybe they charge at certain times or on certain days? We went pretty late on a Saturday and didn't get charged, so not sure. We will check out that Groupon! Thank you!

Hope you enjoy our stuff :) Followed back!

I checked out the Groupon and it's gone. That makes sense based on your report.

They used to require you to register each dog for 1 year. I think it was size-dependent, something like $15 for a toy ranging to $20/25 for a large dog. The Groupon cut that by roughly 40%.

I'm thinking they just did away with this restriction entirely.

How was the bar, standard pricing? The dog park looked great.

Oh wow, you're quick! lol thanks for letting us know. We had no idea about that and honestly didn't know what to expect when we arrived. I'm just glad it went as smooth as it did because I'm not the paperwork type (especially if I'm going to hang out and have a few drinks), which I'm sure would've been required to register the doggies. Hopefully it goes as smooth next time we visit.

My husband and I had a mojito which was about $7 (is that standard? lol I'm not a big drinker). Dayana and her husband had something else, but I'm not sure how much that was.

$7 sounds about right for Florida. If we were in New York, I'd say you'd found a bargain!

Given they probably spend more on the location and perhaps the insurance than a standard bar, that seems like a solid deal to me.

hahaha! Good to know, thanks! :)

not with my doggies you dont.

I'll refer you to:

Ha ha... Dog bar.. Quite nice..

awwn they are so adorable. glad you guys have fun.

Thank you, yes it was tons of fun :D

What a fun place! I see you have many interesting articles that I want to read so I will be following you and looking forward to more fun posts!

It was super fun! We're glad you like our stuff :) Followed back! Stay tuned for more.

amazing! I' m a former Clearwater girl, grew up there before a few million people discovered it!! Miss the beach, what a great idea doggies and cocktails, mine gets annoyed when I go anywhere without her. Great pic's too!

Thank you! I totally understand where you're coming from. I've been living here for 20 years and it has changed a lot! I'm loving all the cool places opening up, but I'm not loving the crazy traffic and the number of people coming. I kind of miss how quiet it was before, but it's just growing and growing each day. You should come visit and see how much it has changed. I'm sure you and your pup will love it!

i do still have friends there, one house I grew up in is now some business and the other one they leveled for a parking lot, I use to be able to get to USF from clearwater in 45 minutes!! have fun with the doggies!!

Yeah, Clearwater has been changing a lot for sure. 45 minutes?! I believe you! It'll take you much more time now. haha Thank you, we will :)

Omg! We need one of those bars here!

You sure do! We don't know why we took so long to visit this place, but we will definitely be here a lot haha :D

Very cool! It is a mix of a beer garden and a pet store!! If you don't have a drinking buddy, then just stop by the pound on the way over!

Beautiful pictures

Thank you! :)

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