Do you love whale sharks too? I remember the first time I had seen a whale shark, and wow it is massive. It's like seeing a huge bus in the sea. It is such an exhilarating experience to swim with these gentle giants. And you don't have to scuba dive as you can see them from the surface. That time, the whale shark was swimming fast but I was grateful enough to see it below me. I felt so tiny! Seeing them in the deep blue really made me the happiest!
I cannot deny that my misanthropic nature made my travel all about seeing the animals in their natural habitat - sharks, whales, sea lions, elephants, whale sharks, sea turtles, penguins, crocodiles, manta rays etc. I've already seen these amazing creatures and I would do anything to see more for as long as I live - and also do my part in protecting them from fucking humans. Because little change is better than no change at all!
After scuba diving, my life has never been the same. My greatest fear is dying without diving in the best places yet. What do you think all this effort for? I just want to be able to afford to live my life to the fullest.

As an avid diver, I don't condone marine parks, Seaworld, and all those huge aquariums in the city. Do me a favor - you shouldn't too. If you and your kids really want to see marine life in all its glory - you have to do it fairly. Unfortunately, due to profit, there are unethical ways being practiced to see these sea creatures, even in the wild.
Just because nice big creatures exist does not mean that you should abuse them. It does not mean that you should make a fin soup out of them and leave the remainder of the fish uneaten. Whale sharks are docile even though they are massive, they are too nice that they even allow swimmers to hitch a ride - which sucks. Please don't support this kind of tours! And now the whale sharks are endangered too due to human activities. It sucks what horrible things humans do to animals. It is not surprising given that they do the same even to their fellow humans. Use and abuse is the name of the game.

Being the largest fish in the sea, whale sharks should have an enormous appetite that includes us. But surprisingly, their favorite is plankton. Just be thankful that you are not his favorite. The whale sharks scoop these tiny plants and all the poor fish that happen to be around using their colossal mouths.
Whale sharks prefer the warm waters and populate all tropical seas. They can be found in Central America, Asia, and Africa. They also migrate to the west coast of Australia. The Ningaloo reef provides the whale sharks an abundant supply of plankton.
It is the ultimate bucket-list experience to swim alongside the largest fish in the sea! And I hope that I can see them again...before they go extinct. The diabolic nature of things really sucks sometimes.
What about you? Would you like to swim with a whale shark too?

The pictures above were taken with a respectful distance from the whale shark - no flash, no touch! Edited in photoshop to make it more visible.
i still havent experienced the underwater life :(
Well, it's never too late!
Not so sure....
I would probably be scared shitless. Probably watched to many movies ;-)
I think you should stop watching those scary shark movies. Whale sharks are nice.
The gentle giant,We are too close to this.
That truly sounds amazing...
Eventually they will unite and yell "we are the animals" before they destroy (most of) us.
I hope the animals see me as their ally, but I can understand if they don't...But hey, it was nice being with them for a moment.
That’s one of the reasons why I am veggie and I think everyone can do/add a little part to make this world a better place.
Sad to hear that whale sharks got nearly extinced, they are majestic creatures and don’t deserve to be imprisoned. How long can you hold your breath, when you diving with them?
Are they your favorite animals?
It is good that you are doing your part.
I think in the marine life - sharks are my favorite! They are the most misunderstood and so I like them...
I don't have enough breath-hold practice these days!
Killer photos! I'm taking a free diving coarse in April and your posts make me so excited to be in the ocean! Thank you for the wonderful post.
Awww good luck with that free-diving course! I hope you post and share your experience too!
hey @diabolika, not much to say when you see a creature so majestic.
Thanks for sharing! Appreciate the chance to see your adventures.
No worries!
We were lucky to see a whale shark as we were exploring the islands off Krabi in Thailand. It came quite close to the surface whilst we were on the boat. The captain made sure everyone stayed on their side of the boat as we could have all capsize the boat if everyone drifted across. It was quite surreal seeing this beautiful animal gracing the waters. Took some photos, but it didn't come out as expected due to the glare of the sun on the water.
Thank you for sharing!
One day I will experience this and I can't wait and yes I want to do it in the wild. Great shots, one I will also get a underwater camera hopefully both will coincide with each other :) 💯🐒
Don't forget to share your underwater experience!
Oh I will. I was hopping to share some of why I was in Oz but I think my ex has them :( 💯🐒
These gentle giants or whale sharks are very popular in the Philippines. We call these mammals as "Butanding". In our place, the fisherman use to catch them and the entire village are invited to help in gathering the meat.
But at present these whale sharks are taken cared of for tourism. The whale sharks are being fed so that they stay in the area and the tourist can take a small banca to go near the area.
Thanks for sharing!
I don't think so!:D I mean they are beautiful creatures but also frightening!
I know!
This is wonderful! Awesome life experience! Appreciate your passion for conservation, respect, and kindness to life. Lovely share.
Thank you!
@diabolika sighting whale in water fascinate me but only on TV, as i am not brave like you. To face the giant whale in water is not an easy task in my dictionary. It's so brave of you to swim with whales. have a nice time. keep chilling:)
Awww thanks @kamchore!
Yup! I love all typ fishes, this looking soo beautifull
WoW..... What a photography. I realy realy like you and I love this
Wow......excellent photo, very nice post, thanks for sharing
wow, great picture. The photographer must be so talented and good looking ;)