To find the universal elements enough; to find the air and the water exhilarating; to be refreshed by a morning walk or an evening saunter... to be thrilled by the stars at night; to be elated over a bird's nest or a wildflower in spring — these are some of the rewards of the simple life.
― John Burroughs
Even clothes are hard to come by these days for a savage, but anyway, there is free air, fresh water, and all day of beautiful scenery. What else should I need? I don't really know how to preach about excessive lifestyle but I can only share some values you can take from a lifestyle without excess.
Even though times are hard these days, I believe that my quality of life has greatly increased. No rush and no more excessive consumption. The wage life and having to live according to the western society's standard of go, go, go and get, get, get only made me feel tired, depleted and unsatisfied. These days are gone and I have more time to do things that I really like such as reading books, traveling, writing and sleeping. The society frowns at me, calling me a full-time bum. The thing is, this is my life. I don't really want to wait for the retirement age to do these things, and I want to travel while I am still capable of walking long distances. Being able to travel has only been made possible by embracing a simple life. And the result of this simple life is inner peace and equilibrium. The Buddhist wisdom is real, less attachment to things means happiness.
Some people probably just don't understand that food is a big thing in other parts of the world, it is not just a picture-perfect thing. Your $30 worth of food and drinks in a restaurant - of steaks, hamburgers, fries, hors-d'oeuvres, cocktails, wine, supersized meals can feed a whole family, and also be aware of those food waste that could have fed more lives. Of course, you don't know that. It is hard to feel other people's hunger from a distance. Back in the city, more and more fast-food chains are being introduced, which also mean less healthy foods and more packaging wastes in the sea. Those who brought these corporations here should see the real effects of production in nature.
I must admit that I have lost many things when people who needed my gadgets more took them without my permission. I don't really like stuff I have worked hard for to be stolen from me, but I'm pretty sure some of them can eat now. I never have to replace my mobile phone, laptop or upgrade these to the newest versions. I mean what for? It just means more money out of my pocket, more chances of getting my things stolen, more anxiety and more waste in the society.
Waste is horrible in richer nations because the people here can afford to have excess, just look at how they consume food. They even throw lapsed products to the bin spreading bleach on it so the dumpster divers cannot live off the waste of other people. In poorer nations, there are a lot of people who scavenge, eat leftovers and make something out of someone else's trash. More of the surplus products of the bigger nations are also being dumped here just because other people don't like these things anymore. And if you go look at all the floating rubbish on the sea, you'll have a serious think about the consequences of materialism.
Perhaps, the media and all these advertisements that manipulate the minds of people are to be blamed, or the consumers who are just easily manipulated. The corporations advertised to the people in the untainted parts of the world that they need more, and the result is the destruction of nature. Don't even blame the lack of education, people had been uneducated long time ago. Back in the days, people used to be content with the air they breathed and the food they ate. Stop and think if there's a need to feel better by having more and by living in these so-called happiest countries. I've seen the quality of laughter and genuine happiness of the people in my travel experience in these so-called less-privileged countries.
It is hard to think for ourselves these days, it can be more convenient to let the outside force to decide for us - what to eat, what to buy and what to need. The price of this over-consumption is that we sacrifice the quality of time for ourselves, loved ones and other things that are more important in our lives. However, the worst effect is not really to us but more to our environment, where the future generation will live and thrive. Sure, there are people who can benefit from our waste but why do we let other humans reduce to scavengers? In my opinion, I think poverty is perpetuated because this is just one of the evil ways to make other nations richer and richer. Just imagine the amount of raw materials being taken to the western world to make their own corporations richer, and the waste being dumped back that disguise 'as to benefit' the poorer countries. The price of globalization, capitalism and technological advancements.
The society gave us this idea that having more is the goal and the answer. Do more possessions really improve and add value to our lives?
It is desirable that a man live in all respects so simply and preparedly that if an enemy take the town... he can walk out the gate empty-handed and without anxiety.
― Henry David Thoreau
I agree Buddhism is most practical religion in the world. (travel to bhutan if you get a chance!)
Btw Loved that fight club movie gif, best I ever watched.
Everyday a lot of people are being weighed down with their daily needs including their attachments they attach themselves too.
I feel a person should put in their mindset that they are carrying a big rucksack on their back with a 100 sticks inside of it. They are not going to be walking that far with a 100 sticks loaded against their back. Every step they take they must imagine they are taking one of those sticks out from the rucksack and throwing it away in the opposite direction from over their shoulder. By doing this with every step the rucksack load will become very light very quick. I also believe this can be one way of lightening your mindset and giving you much more clearer vision with your daily life too.
Well-said. In reality, what we really need is not that much. The society just demands us to have more to keep up with the modern times and with the rest of the world. People have this FOMO.
Decluttering will surely lighten the mindset, and I am experiencing it myself. This allows us to focus more on more important things in our lives.
I admire with what your doing as your not going what the crowd is doing. Who cares if you stick out like a sore thumb or what other people think of you? They don`t really see or know who you are other than the thought they have built up of you inside of their shallow imagination.
I was happy to read that your not interest keeping up to date with the latest technology gadgets too.
When I see people who like to label themselves as a traveller. When more likely they are more like a tourist disguised as a traveller. Especially as they are lugging around with them so much attachments too. This to me is not travelling this is like been a tourist on the go.
As I believe you live and travel light as well. I do think you will discover the true meaning of been a traveller and also finding that true meaning reflecting back to you in your life too. It might take you another year to discover the tip of this iceberg or it could take you another 10 years to come upon it.
I think part of being self-actualized is pursuing what you really want, and not what everyone else wants for you. Unless you know them personally, opinions don't matter these days. Especially if it would not contribute to the achievement of your life goals.
Yeah, I don't need upgrades unless it will give me more benefit. If you happen to be surrounded by nature or living in nature, it will just make you feel guilty contributing more waste.
I guess the younger travelers these days still have a lot to learn but maybe at this point, I just know what I want to get from my travels - purpose, learning experience, fresh perspective.
I think with whatever generation you are in with the younger generation they`ll always think they know better and have no discipline or patience as they want to have it all in the now, now. Instead of experiencing the process and the progress of the journey first.
Less is absolutely more. I am reminded of this each time I move and have to take possessions and memorabilia gathered through my life that I have this silly emotional attachment to.
Sometimes I want to just throw it all away, and I've only got 2 suitcases and a backbacks' worth.
I guess you won't bring the 2 suitcases of memorabilias with you. Have fun in your travels!
No I'll be begging mother to store them in her already packed apartment!
Thank you! 😁
Who the hell needs clothes, anyway?:D
Yeah so don't judge me! Haha.
but people around, made me believe that that's how are these things,
they said that one person can't make a difference,
and so I kept on doing whatever was in my list of preference,
but after reading your post it made me rethink,
I might not change the world, but still, small changes, I might be able to bring,
Thanks for opening my eyes,
I will now try behave sensible and wise !!
More stuff more waste and more anxiety = unhappy stressed life.
BTW, the movie I watched during the storm was fight club, lol.
I agree!
Did you like it? I like it very much. 😊
The book is good too.
Yes! It wasn't the first time I watched it, and I don't think there is a person who doesn't like this movie (even if they don't understand the meaning behind it).
Didn't red the book, but now that you mentioned it, I think I'll add it to my reading list.
I agree. I've watched it many times too.
Society's standards are second hand standards; and yes, this is consistently understood in various other philosophies as well.
People have/are undergoing "education" more than ever. Goes to show what passes as education nowadays.Perhaps, these people in "less-privileged" countries are more unlearned essentially, meaning they're not as brainwashed.
You already know...awesome post.
I agree that people now are 'educated' more than ever.
Intelligent comment as always. Thanks for reading.
upvoted with my tiny vote :)
I just published a podcast with Emily Gerde who moved from a large house to a tiny house and has adopted the minimalist life style - the result: freedom in so many ways!!
And us taking our trash - including trash food available in markets - to other countries. And I totally agree with you. Travel while you are young and healthy. So many are waiting until it is too late!
Tiny upvote is better than nothing! Thanks. 😊
I know how it feels, freedom and a clear mindset! I think I will continue preaching about the minimalist lifestyle.
Keep on preaching, sister!! :)
Yes Preach! We all need to be very conscious about it as much as we can. If we all start controlling ourselves a little bit we will make a huge difference in the World we live. And RIGHT NOW it is the time we need to make this changes before it is too late....if it is not too late already :(
your posts hit home for so many of us on steem. :)
Are you in Viet now?
I will be in China on Monday and Vietnam on Tuesday of next week! Where are you now?
I look forward to reading your travels.
I am not in Vietnam yet but someday! 😉
wow! To make soap first we render fat.👍
Let 'society' call you a full-time bum... society is jealous... humans are envious of those who dare live life on their own terms, especially those who reject excess materialism... Because, they, themselves cannot...
Keep being brave and sharing your Truth... it helps those who are still too scared or dependent on the system to see beyond it... :)
Thanks. If we based our life decisions on the opinion of others, we'll never get anywhere...
Greed, money, and "stuff" are addictions just like any other. Even those who want to quit usually find it very difficult to do so.
Excellent quote by Thoreau there at the end!
I definitely feel like this society wants so much money for shelter, fuel, electricity, you know th e necessities, so much so that we can't afford to help each other anymore! :(
Yet there is another thing in me that says they gotta work for their happiness and financial stability, we are all able to do it if we put our minds to it! Homelessness shouldnt be a th ing, there is always a house to be built, go work!
"One should not need of anything that is not freely given"
'"Quality not quantity of life is indeed the Quintessential essence of happiness"
"Knowledge has spoken as to say that Buddha is of Feminine nature the Spirit within'
"even a short fast can open the gates to knowledge in natural healing of all things"
Amoeba is a interesting minuscule cell within the Human Body, Maybe a start of something , Anyways
Beautiful written words , Beautiful post ... the thought i would gift back some knowledge that speaks in the moment came within oneself
Thank you Kindly
Thank you!
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I agree Buddhism is most practical religion in the world.
Nice one. ;)
I thought the same but my views have changed--- care about money now.
If you really read and understand the point, it does not talk about not caring about money.
It talks about 'excess'. Epic Fail.
We don't care if you care about the money and if your views have changed, it is not related to this post. Thanks for letting us know without even reading. 😊
Possibly I misunderstood.
This was a great post. Thank you for sharing. I'll be sure to keep an eye out for you future work!
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One the greatest accomplishments that can be made is to shed all that is not essential and strive for that which is priceless and unlimited.
True that.