
Putting this together with your post before: how much of this is because you're half-a-generation removed from most tourists? (rhetorical qtn) I was much dumber when I was younger too. I won't live long enough to become undumb.
Some people are boring, granted. I don't want to sound preachy with the advice BS - I've used my quota for the year. Though, I'll share with you my personal secret cure for boredom ... the same thing I told the teenage daughter of a friend who was bored and couldn't fathom why her father and I were getting excited about some local detail in an Art Deco pattern on some building. My secret cure for boredom is in noticing the details. Look and look again until the sameness evaporates. Forced curiostiy. Works with people too. Unless I'm tired. Peace.

I am not gonna claim here that I am not as dumb as the rest, the only thing is as I get older and become more experienced, I just try not to become dumber. And instead of resisting change, I welcome it. If I make a mistake, I learn from it.

I like you to be preachy, that is the only way for me to learn - listen. I hope you read my

I'm older than I remember If you were referring to this post?

I really hope the sameness in people evaporates. I will take your advice. I think I'm not that friendly anymore, compared to when I was younger. But of course, there are exceptions.