Traveling Made Me Appreciate...

in #travel8 years ago (edited)


“Little” Things. I stayed in villages and some remote areas when I was traveling, I experienced how it was to live a simple life in the country or by the sea. Some people I’ve met are happy enough with what they have. This made me appreciate the things that I already have, like having a roof over my head, being able to drink fresh water and being able to eat good food. I appreciate being able to write for steemit about my experiences, surf the internet and connect with a few of my friends. I am thankful that I still get to wake up every day and enjoy whatever the new day presents.

Health. I appreciate that I have good health to be able to do things that I love. I am thankful for coming back home safe after my long journey, and for all the people who have helped me on the road. I am thankful that I can move my body, be able to run, stand, lift, bend etc.. This is not possible for many people, and it can be taken away from us at any time or as we age. I thank the universe for keeping me safe and unharmed during my journey.

Opportunities. I appreciate that travel has shown me a lot of possibilities I have been missing out on. I thank all the people I have met who had taught me a lot of things in life. I appreciate having new ideas and all the things that I have learned during my travel, that I could possibly apply to my start-up project. I appreciate that travel taught me how to make things right and that every day I get to wake up in freedom and pursue the life I have dreamed of.

People. Travel has taught me how to give everyone a chance, to let my guard down and open myself to meeting great people. A lot of strangers helped me while I was on the road, they gave me rides, shared their food, their homes, their lives. Travel made me appreciate that there are a lot of good people everywhere in the world and that we should never lose faith in humanity.

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.” - Albert Einstein


Friends. I don’t really have a lot of friends being the classic introvert I am, but I appreciate having a few quality friends who understand me deeply. I’ve met a lot of people during my travel and some of them are my still friends until now, while most of them just become another Facebook friend. Nevertheless, I thank the friendship we’ve had for a certain period of time, and for all those good memories we've shared that will never be forgotten. I was missing my friends a lot when I was traveling, I realized that home is not only a place but it is where your friends are.

Home. I have traveled to different countries and have been to the most beautiful places, and have witnessed nature at its finest. As I traveled, I appreciate more the beauty of nature in my own country, having the pristine beaches with warm waters, fine white sand, the rich marine life, the lush forest that carpeted the mountains, magical lagoons, crystal clear lakes etc.. I get to appreciate that the paradise I’ve been looking for is just right here, it is home.

Life. I get to appreciate how it is to feel really alive, to live each day as if it is my last. I’m thankful that I’m still able to breathe, laugh and love, and be able to express my gratitude to those people who care about me. I appreciate that life is beautiful, but it is also short, that it can be taken away from us at any time. I am grateful that every day I get to have a chance to make it right, whatever it is, and to fight for that kind of life that I deserve.

Yesterday I posted:

10 Things That I'm Grateful To Do Everday After Traveling for a Long Time - And What's Yours?

Some of my fellow steemians shared the things that they are grateful for:

“For a long time, I wanted to travel to escape from my life. A lot of things happened in my life over the last three or four years that brought many things into proper perspective for me. I guess my number one thing would be: I am grateful that I can be happy wherever I am. :) ” - @anarchospace

“I share your gratitude for waking and sleeping whenever we choose. I love trying native culture foods too, though it is an occasional experience for me. I am so grateful and thankful to meditate every day, and that I've learned how to do this anywhere at any time. Yesterday at the pool, I took a moment to connect and affirm my gratitude for the day, it's blessings and my experiences. Though it may not be quite as common, I am also grateful for my responsibilities. I enjoy their multitude of benefits.” - @folklohr

“I'd love to! What I am most grateful for is another day on this earth. I beat cancer last year! When faced with my mortality it all becomes very clear. One epiphany I had is that we have everything we need already inside of us. Our minds are our road block and restrictor and what is preventing us from realizing our truest incredibleness. Once I could get past myself I saw everything as beautiful and flowing, both good and bad in life. Cancer or any major life shift usually forces surrender and this is what I am most grateful of experiencing. It's has changed me forever” - @soulsavers


Ur looks like a great philosopher... Ur posts are a kind of boost up for all the followers.... Life is the best thing that we should be grateful for :)

I agree! Thank you.

Thank you for the update. Very nice pictures and it looks like great experiences. Have a good night.

So nice photo

Correct everybody should have a second chance .. and it is always better to have few good friends then to have a lot ones who you don't care about ... I like your way of writing ... It is like you are telling a story and you surely are quite a good story teller ..

I agree, it's always about - less is more!

Thank you @utfull