Yet Not Another [Name] Travels or I Love Cats - How About @diabolika Travels to Unfuck the World!

in #travel7 years ago (edited)


Get a breath of fresh air people. You read the same thing every day or you probably don’t read? You share the same thing, talk about the same thing, comment on the same thing, upvote the same thing, in hopes of just getting a little bit of cent from the same people. Is it really just all about the money now? I don’t really judge you for making this as your primary motivation for joining steemit, but you must understand that you will only be rewarded for your hard work, creativity, and persistence. Now if you don’t have these, then don’t complain. Just enjoy what you see, read and perhaps be inspired. But if you clap for the same thing or do the same thing every day, then there won’t be anything else new to be learned. You might as well just go back to the other social media where the over-glorification of normal lives is the thing.

Not that there’s something wrong with I love cats or I travel whatever blog. I love travel and I love cats too. Just maybe you want to find a different spirit this time. A free moving soul, a desert flower, a black sheep amongst the white sheep, a tangled thread to unravel, the visible light from the black hole.

“People always clap for the wrong reasons.” - J.D. Salinger

As you all probably know my story by now, how I got out of my enslavement to the corporation, job that didn’t fulfill me, consumerism and the overall fucked up system in order to travel. I traveled far and wide only to find out that it’s the same everywhere. You might speak a different language, eat different food, enjoy the same comfort through the taxes you paid, but in the end, we are all just the same human beings doomed to conform, doomed to retire to our boring everyday lives. Human beings capable of change.


You are conditioned not to let go of that security of job you have, you are conditioned to follow the same pattern and be just like everyone else. To dress like everyone else, to speak like everyone else, to buy the same things everyone else has. And continuously letting yourselves be brainwashed by the media. You are brainwashed to not take risks, to protect your life, and in the end, you are not really living. The schools taught you how to follow the rules and not to conform because it is wrong to be different, it is wrong to go out there and be yourself. That to get what you really want is evil.

What are you all protecting anyway? The life that you are not really living?

I was traveling in a big coastal city called Iquique in the north of Chile, I remember how it reminded me of the life I do not want to be part of anymore. As I rode my longboard along the bay walk, I saw all those billboards, shopping malls, and all those advertisements. This brainwashing of the media can be found anywhere, and sadly the people are following the same - this is what you need, this is what you need to buy, this is what you need to believe, this is what you need to be. People don’t think anymore, they just go with the flow or to whatever direction the crowd is going to.

This is why I don’t stay longer in big cities when I travel, it just makes me feel depressed. On the other hand, I like the city as it is a symbol of human potential, of what we have been able to achieve all these centuries. However, only a few people who are the big machines control the society. Instead of protecting this only earth we can live in, the system just destroys the environment due to greed. And instead of molding us into greatness, it just killed our spirits and brought us to our demise.


And here we are, the undead of the world, mindlessly walking around, waiting for someone to shoot us in the head...

I traveled to see, to feel and to experience what is going on, and hopefully, whatever I learned will be put into writing and bring awareness to this world. Yes, maybe I cannot change things, but I can try through my own way. After all, a small change is better than no change at all.

I am not going to be a hypocrite and say, hey I will unfuck the world for the world, no. I want to change things for myself first. I want to wake up because I am tired of life’s everyday BS. And when I change, then maybe the world can change. I don’t know... but let’s be the living among the undead, shall we?

I’m not just gonna take pictures and say hey look diabolika travels here. I’m not limited to that. I’m not gonna write about the glorious portrayal of my travels and make you feel depressed or insecure. I will uncover the unseen and the challenges along the way. Perhaps I will take you out of your comfort zone. I will make you happy as I commune with nature. I will make you laugh and live.

I’m not gonna stay in a fancy resort and tell you to hey look at what I’m eating right now, looks delicious right, are you inspired now? While the rest of the world outside that fuckin hotel are homeless, while the Venezuelans are dying to leave the chaos, while the Mexicans want to illegally cross the border to achieve the American dream life, while the African kids are dying of hunger, while the innocent people are being bombed every day, while the North Koreans want to escape the life they are trapped in, while the poor Asian girls are desperately seeking for the rich white man that might save them from poverty, while everyone wants to live that kind of life you complain about.

While everyone wants you to feel their pain...

Yes, I’m trying to be different, because why not? I travel and I want to see it all, feel it all, unlearn and learn from it all. I’m not gonna turn a blind eye and pretend that nothing shit is happening around me. I’m gonna go out there, talk to people, live their lives and experience it all. I’m not gonna put a title to myself, and say hey look, I’m an author, artist, spiritual guru, writer, anarchist, traveler or whatever you want me to be. Learn from my experiences and read what I write, then perhaps what I know would be enough proof for you to believe in me and hopefully, it can inspire you to make a big change in your life and make a difference in this world.

Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
― Rob Siltanen


"I am not going to be a hypocrite and say, hey I will unfuck the world for the world, no. I want to change things for myself first. I want to wake up because I am tired of life’s everyday BS. And when I change, then maybe the world can change"

unfuck what you can unfuck. unfuck yourself for the sake of others so you can unfuck them even better.

There is so much to unfuck it is hard to choose where to begin so I like to focus on my personal envirmoent and help the people I meet.

Unfuck is my favorite word for at least today

You are right a lot to unfuck, too many things to ramble about, too many things to write. Good for us and for those who see the things to unfuck.

And when I change, then maybe the world can change. I don’t know...

I think this the way. You change your view of the world and it will change. I'm quite sure of this because I see it and have learned it from someone very special to me.

Yeah, as Gandhi said, we are the change we wish to see in the world.

Smart man :)

Great post! I think blockchain technologies like steemit are giving us an opportunity to displace the current corporate structures and rebuild society in a more community-oriented way.

Its sad that many people are still perpetuating the same superficial view of the world but I think that as more people get involved in platforms like steemit, this kind of nonsense will be driven to extinction.

@chasmic-cosm I know this is why i like steemit, I just signed up recently. It requires hardwork to earn, but anyway I am enjoying what I do - write. Hopefully, the people who are giving value to this amazing platform will dominate. And the rest will learn.

Great post! It summarises some reasons why in my opinion your travel blog stands out among other more superficial ones and why I'm reading it since beginning: the different perspective, the critique of the existing conditions, the rebelliousness, the desire for change ...

Thanks... You know you actually helped me get that word I've been thinking about all day - 'superficial', because I was thinking as I write, fuck what was that word? What was that word I kept hearing whenever I traveled to big cities. Thanks @bloom, but I'll include this word next time! :)

Very good! Beautiful art! @diabolika

First picture looked like Peter Pan. Like you was flying. :)

She is Peter Pan! :)

Yes indeed, better to go out and enjoy life, beautiful post, thanks for sharing! :)

No worries!

Beautiful post Miss P. I'm with you..
I just woke up and it's the first thing I read. :)

I hope you are happy you woke up to this lol @clintjunior

Absolutely, wouldn't want to start my day any other way! It's better than waking up to the morning news like most people do.

Aw thanks.

@clintjunior, you can bring your music anywhere and travel again, now that there's steemit!

crazy girl :) need more of those
stay well on your journey

Nice. I love the jumping photo. For some reason it seems familiar.... except that yours looks more like a purposeful jump off a building than a silly look at my sexy legs jump.

Ahh the levitation shot you mean? It actually took some few attempts to make it look 'right' lol @thomasaquinasftw

Hey!What do you do now?