Thank you :) and thanks for taking time to comment. It was an adventure. It is definitly a place I will recommend to visit. The nature is so grand. Makes us feel small. And yes, the cracing of ice is a bit scary. Especielly when in that small boat and it started to move because of big chunks falling in the sea. But also that night when I woke up because of the noise and the shaking ...I thougt it was an earthquake!
How to describe how it smells? what I mean is this cool, slighly salty smell.. The smell in the air changes slightly when getting close to the ice. Definitly not like the ice in the freezer....
Oh, I forgot to mention that small red boat. It's very nice of you to share this one too as I could really not imagine how big that ice block would be. It's enormous!
Now I understand :) I didn't think about the sea to be honest. I don't know why :)
Thank you for getting back to me. It was my pleasure to visit your post :)
Thank you. I am glad you liked it. The photo with the red boat shows the scale of the glacier. I decided to post that one to show how big the glacier really is. It was like a wall of ice. And you are right about global warming . Together I think we can do something to make the process slow down.