Walking Is Simple But Can Be Vastly Beneficial

in #travel8 years ago

Research for years has reinforced the notion that there are a variety of benefits to be had from regular walking.

One more recent study from just last year, discovered that only 12 minutes of walking was enough to increase feelings of vigor, attentiveness, and self-confidence. Walking has become for many one of the simplest tools to try and stay healthy and in good shape, and the best thing about it is that it doesn't cost any money.

In 2016, researchers conducted 3 experiments that included hundreds of participants and they found that simple walking would boost the moods of the participants, without those individuals knowing that walking was the reason for the elevated mood. The results showed that simple walking promoted a positive affect regardless of whether or not the individual was specifically focused on the walking and it didn't take long to achieve either.

They also suggest that it can help you to overcome boredom and personal feelings of dread.

Numerous studies have previously suggested that regular walking can help to improve thinking, possibly sharpen memory, contribute to safeguarding brain health, and more. It's no wonder that millions of people incorporate walking into their lifestyles and try to keep up with doing it on a regular basis for their own personal physical fitness routines.

Walk Your Way To Creative Inspiration

Previous research also suggests that walking might help to boost or enhance creativity. One Stanford study discovered that when walking between 5-16 minutes, walking has been seen to offer a boost in personal creative inspiration, via divergent thinking, by roughly 60 percent.

Not only do many people walk for creative inspiration, or for possible health benefits, but many also find that the walk itself can quite often be a very enjoyable experience. When it comes to regular walking, sometimes the enjoyment is found in the journey and not the destination/end result.


The information that is posted above is not intended or implied to ever be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27100368 http://www.forbes.com/sites/daviddisalvo/2016/10/30/six-reasons-why-walking-is-the-daily-brain-medicine-we-really-need/#783875af2a9d https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25931456 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3265077/?tool=pubmed


I believe walking is either the best or second best exercise with yoga. This is a great article and I'm glad to read this on here shared. Thanks for sharing and namaste :)

Walking or LISS (Low Intensity Steady State) is great for general well being and can be very good for fat loss (minimum 60 minutes per day). It is worth combining high intensity, resistance training and lower intensity into your movement regime with a focus on progression.

Great post @doitvoluntarily about to take my dogs for a walk through the vineyards :) upvoted & resteemed

Walking always helps me to clear my head. It's really beneficial to me to go out for a walk every couple of hours on a day at work.

Does it count if you work on your feet all day and do miles of walking?

Too many people will just take the elevator.

Walking is very healthy, to improve heart rate, triglycerides or bad cholesterol, excellent post dear friend @doitvoluntarily