One of the USSA’s primary strategies for preserving its power is the demonization of other nation-states.
Without opposing governments threatening to take out yours, how else could they justify arbitrary borders, the TSA, passports, or even taxes, social security numbers, and all the other rackets we’ve come to expect from the state?
No more prevalent is this on display than with the constant propaganda about North Korea.
Is it a communist “shithole” full of rampant poverty, starvation, and economic stagnation? Well... yeah, but so are countless other parts of the world---yet the main focus of fear-mongering is Lil’ Kim’s alleged nuclear arsenal---a speck in comparison to the rest of the world’s nuclear stockpiles.
Indeed, you need only a few anecdotes on the ground to learn something you’ll never hear about on television programming.
Extreme traveler and author Kolja Spori, in a recent interview on Anarchast, recounted a few personal experiences where the Western narrative about the reclusive dictatorship (aren’t they all?) seems at odds with reality.
“In North Korea, it was 15 years ago I was in the demilitarized zone coming from South Korea, and when you go to that border, there’s heavy military troops…
...and they tell you you have to be very quiet, dress in order, don’t wear jeans, don’t smile to the other side, don’t wave to them, anything could happen, be very careful.
So when I reached the front of the line, there were tourists on the North Korean side---I think… Korean, Myanmar people---and they were friendly, they were smiling, they were more relaxed than us, even waving to us---so I thought, ‘oh my god, why are we behaving so strange over here?’”
Fake news has one goal: distract the people of the world with fear. The truth is, the Korean War has always been a tool of western powers.
Spori and I discussed much more, including anarcho-capitalism, libertarianism in Siberia, and living free, plus tips on keeping safe when traveling.
The ‘gentleman adventurer’ also spoke with me about Somalia and Venezuela, Goma in East Congo, Libya, Syria and the reality of no-fly zones.
If you want to learn more about expatriation and Perpetual Traveler/Prior Taxpayer lifestyles, join us February 12th and 13th in Acapulco for the fourth annual TDV Summit, just before Anarchapulco, The World's Premier Liberty Event.
Get direct insights and meet with experts including Jeffrey Tucker, Doug Casey, Joel Bowman of International Man, Mark Emery, Ed Bugos, and many more!
Tickets are discounted for the holidays, but this sale is almost over so be sure to secure your spot today (BOOK NOW).

Like your work very informative,hope you have a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Thanks mike
I hope I can someday! Gotta pay off debt first!!
Any country that doesn't have US/NATO military bases, is considered to be a "threat" to the USA.