Monkeying Around at Lodi Point

in #travel2 years ago

Such a beautiful day, I thought why not share it with my awesome hive peeps?


Watching these boys makes me realize what a tomboy I was at their age, this was totally me :0D


While my girlfriends sunbathed I would either be in the water or up a tree, never had the patience for laying on a blanket XD


And neither did my guy friends, so I always had company in the water and the trees.


And now I'm getting nostalgic. I still spend lots of time in the water, but definitely less in the branches of a tree.


Maybe this will be my new goal, recapture that agility.


I recently watched a video where a guy insisted you can turn back the clock on aging.


A combination of fitness, nutrition and an anti aging mindset is apparently the key.


Is it to good to be true? Probably.


But I'm gonna give it a go anyway, climbing trees here I come! XD


So in a year when I post, expect a younger me...high up in the branches of a tree! :0)

Happy Saturday Hive Peeps, Make it a Great One!!


Such a beautiful post.

We have been having some stinking weather here lately. I hope the ageing thing can be turned back but I suspect it takes a lot of work so I might just have a beer instead 😜🤣

Here it's just starting to do it's end of summer thing by cooling way down in the evening, then hearing up pretty good around noonish. This is truly my favorite weather at this point in my life. Something about bathing suits by day, sweatshirts at night, swimming followed by campfires is absolute magic!

Fall is still my favorite season, but that has more to do with the brothers Grimm style magic in the air lol!

Ah yes, I'm far more likely to crack a beer than turn back the clock too XD Bit I vow that I will climb some trees!

I do love a campfire. And trees. And beer! Yes indeed it is fantastic time in the year and in life at this point. I am loving it!

Climbing on the tree is fun - haha can't sit for longer in branches

Seems like you guy's had really enjoyed and fun there! Looks like a lovely spot.

Happy weekend, enjoy your weekends mate!

Yep, definitely is fun and a lovely spot :)

Happy weekend to you to my friend!

It's always tempting to want to remain young to keep enjoying some benefits but it's still fun to be an audience don't you think?

It's obvious the guys had fun with the tree climbing and I'm sure you were enjoying the view that's why you even remembered your youth.

The audience has it's appeal, true, but being young at heart, I definitely would still enjoy climbing a tree. And will definitely do it before the year is out, mark my words XD

Thanks for stopping in! :0)

Hehehe, that's going to be really fun and please do share the experience with us again 😊 because I believe you can do it but please do be careful 🙂.

I absolutely will do it, share it,and be careful 🤣

Hehehe, sure 🤩🤩, I will be expecting it 😁😎.