For awhile I have been on a quest to feel the energy of my ancestors. This was a trip I took for my birthday in August of 2017. I had been on the hunt for a drum and I had heard this might be the place to find a drum to my liking. I found this place to have its own special magic. Taos Pueblo, Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A., is an ancient American Indian community belonging to the Tiwa. The Tiwa are considered to be one of the oldest continuously inhabited communities in America and has been designated a World Heritage Site.
The Taos community is known for being one of the most private, secretive, and conservative pueblos. I can attest to this secrecy. Since I was unable to attend during festival time when I was invited, I was not allowed to visit the sacred Kiva ceremonial space. Only those invited are allowed to enter sacred spaces. Just in case you do not know what a Kiva is, take a look at my cover page photo (a photo I took at Chimney Rock, Colorado), I'll tell you more about that experience another time. A Kiva is a sacred room used by American Indians for religious rituals and meetings. Some Hopi and most other Pueblo peoples use Kivas for spiritual ceremonies. I am one quarter Hopi. The Ancients, as we call them used Kivas for domestic residences, social and ceremonial purposes.
I found the art to capture my full attention. I am usually attracted to art but this place held some of the most special and sacred art that called to my soul. There was an instant connection and I enjoyed every minute of this experience. True love.
Sage and natural herbs are very important sage for sacred ceremonies and the daily life of an American Indian. So seeing this everywhere was a true comfort and the smell was everywhere. The aroma to the sense of smell was delightful and ease to the physical body. A purifying and cleansing for me.
I loved this beautiful sculpture as soon as I saw her, she reminded me of some far off place I once knew. The artistic talent in this peace reveals to me a person who has been working on stone for many years. The colors are simple yet perfect.
I found many drums to my liking but not my pocket, this drum was absolutely delightful. I loved the color, paintwork, sound, skin, but it was far too large. The photo could not capture the actual size, which was more of a Pow Wow sized drum. One many people would beat in sequence during a large event.
Unfortunately, many of the accounts we hear from American Indians is fact, and Christians took it upon themselves to wipe the American Indian way of life and ceremony from them. This is a symbol of proof that Christianity made a visit on ancient lands and it still has a place at the Taos Pueblo. A church still stands and is kept in pristine condition (photos were not allowed inside the church.) I found this photo looking towards the Pueblo from the church to mean so many things that a person usually cannot express in words.
I will forever be grateful for what I am able to see in this world and share with others. If you are reading this fellow Steemian, I thank you. Peace.
(All photographs were taken by Eagle Spirit - Casandra)
What a beautiful heritage you have.
So much rich history and unbelievable crafts and traditions.
And regarding sage... yes, it is so soothing
The streets will flow with the blood of the non-believers...
What are you talking about? @cornholio 😆
Hi @goldendawne thank you for your kind comment and appreciation for Sage. So many people use it now and it is an amazing herb. I need to write a post about all the good things that come from Sage. Peace to you 🙏🏽
YES... you should! I use it in so many things. Herbal teas, homemade soap, when making pork dinners.. it is so versatile
Yes!! I have to look more at your recipes, just you talking about what you do with Sage made me hungry lol
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I have respect for all Pagans. Christians ruined a lot. Odinists were a victim of those too. There is barely any historic material left.
Odinism: The religion now called Odinism is the indigenous tradition of the Germanic branch of the Indo-European peoples. Pre-Christian in origin, it shows Paleolithic characteristics (the Shamanistic tendencies of Odin and the “trickster” aspects of Loki) as well as Neolithic traits (the ‘honor and shame” nature of its warlike ethical system, which is common among pastoral nomads).
This religion excisted way longer before Christianity. Christianity is a fart in history compared to Odinism.
I am glad that you learn more about your ancestors and honor them and live by their codes instead of living like a purposeless Hedonist.
Full upvote and resteem, this world needs more Pagans.
@valorforfreedom thank you for your very meaningful comment and support for Pagans. I look forward to sharing our ancestral information and more. I’m particularly interested in the shamanic practices of your ancestors. From my understanding shamanism is a Tibetan practice and considered witchcraft. I’d love to hear your thoughts on that too. I particularly enjoyed reading about the honor and shame war system. Your last comment regarding Hedonism is priceless and much appreciated.
@ellievallie you and me will make a spiritual superpower out of the politically incorrect Steemians.
Together we have many tools to strengthen and enrich the spirit.
Here is a video by Paul Waggener from the Wolfs of Vinland which are called Nazi for Hypermasculinity and honoring the Norse Gods which is just an insult to them, they ain't Nazis.
Galdr or Galdor, from the Old Norse, originally meant 'incantation'. The verb "gala" is also used for "to crow". It later came to mean magic in general. These are the sounds used in runic oral spells.The Galdr sounds are from Edred Thorsson's Futhark, a Handbook of Rune Magic.
Galdr has many purposes, here are some: Community, connecting with the ancestors and Norse gods, strengthening the spirit and communication with the dead & much more.
That wise woman with the dreamcatchers is definitely some captivating artwork, and your photo at the top captured the sense of this place perfectly.
These sound like beautiful traditions, thank you for sharing them!
@ellievallie thank you for your kind insight and comment. I love the dream catcher photo myself, she is my most favorite piece. She was very tall too and in a room by herself in the center of he room. I appreciate your thoughts, especially after our very cool AI conversation last night. You more conversing than I. LoL You were saying everything I was thinking! I love your work and will be commenting shortly. 🙏🏽
I can see the spirits strong in the second picture..
@esaia.mystic I know right!! It’s a great feeling. If you ever go, stop by and check her out. Thank you for the comment. 🙏🏽
Did you find a drum? From your post it sounds you didn't yet.
When I first came to America I was lucky to stumble upon a wonderful drum in Arizona. It is still with me :) but since the skin started to crack I'm now looking for a companion drum. This time I hope to find a European drum, since that's my heritage.
My second blog was on me finding my drum! I should have included that information in this blog. I give you the answer to your question there. Yes, heritage drums are the best. I found a person in Germany and another in Norway that made beautiful drums but they were made with white deer or seal.
I just found the blog about your drum :) I didn't know about the bear grease to maintain the drum. I'll have to see where I can find that here.
I had to order it from Canada online. It’s fresh and works. How bad off is your drum? Do you keep it n a blanket or bag?
My drum has a crack on the side, I'll see if I can take a picture of it tomorrow in the daylight. I don't keep it in a blanket or bag :(
Oh no! Okay I’ll look forward to seeing the photo. I hope it can be repaired. I’d say order a moose blanket like mine and bear oil. I think it was maybe $50 total from Canada to Colorado.
I'll look into the bear oil and blanket.

Here's a photo from my drum, with the crack:
These pics are amazing, i fel like I am experiencing this culture with you.
Thank you so much! I appreciate your compliment and post! ❤️