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RE: More sunshine on the Costa del Sol?

in #travel5 years ago (edited)

You made a very wise decision wrt vacation and how you went with the new company policy. That said, even if your line manager wouldnt let you go, or required you to take 2 weeks vacation upon return due to the self quarantine, I would've gone wild! They could let you work from home for months, and then suddenly not? Glad, your manager is taking it easy and go around the rules.

Wrt the increase of number of 'infected'. I have my truth which is dramatically different to the truth pushed by all our governments. Yes, in many countries the number of infected are rising. But the truth is, that in many countries the number of tests that are executed did dramatically increase. Fact also is (at least in my country the Netherlands) the number of people dying because of COVID19 is next to nothing. This is at around zero for weeks, maybe 5 to 6 weeks already, while the rise in infected started much more than 2 weeks ago. I'm about to write an post about this which I likely publish tomorrow (will write it then as well, no time today :)) and will debunk a lot about all these figures and what science has to say.

Btw, I was on Ibiza a few weeks ago, just when they instated the rule of wearing mouth protection. The week I was there, this was luckily for my, not enforced. But really? An island that had only 1 person dying of (supposedly COVID19), was on a hard lockdown for at least two months and accepting tourist from end of June, turned to measures of mouth protection and instated a law to be able to fine private parties at the villas *that was happening left and right) up to 600k Euro to the owner or renter of the villa, and thousands of Euro to each person. All because the 1,5mtr distancing was not kept too much. But, as I'll explain in my post I'll publish soon, science shows more and more evidence, the 1,5mtr is a useless method to prevent spread of COVID19 virus. Proof is available, the aerosols are the big danger, so we shall not group together indoors, and when so, we shall make sure the room is properly aired with windows open and all. We shall not trust automatic ventilation systems, certainly not those 'green' ones since they re-circulate much more air then the older systems; Thats why they are called green, since they use less energy to heat up or cool down outside air before it is pushed indoors.

Anyway, I do hope you have a great vacation. The handstands, why not video yourself and share with us?

ps BTW, I may start learning Spanish as well. Any tips? Books? Podcast?