WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT
The image you posted does not even fit in the guidelines of the contest, and it appears that the image used is also not yours, which leads many to believe that you are a bot account seeking upvotes without adding any real content to the Steemit community.
WARNING: The use of images that are not your own on which you claim the ownership will be flagged and/or reported to @steemcleaners - HELPING TO STOP PLAGIARISM ON STEEMIT
The image you posted does not even fit in the guidelines of the contest, and it appears that the image used is also not yours, which leads many to believe that you are a bot account seeking upvotes without adding any real content to the Steemit community.