Going Down The Rabbit's Hole

in #travel7 years ago

Gong Xi Fa Cai to all! As I celebrate this year's Chinese New Year from Kundasang, my family and I wanted to do something different this year. We decided to take a drive down to Ranau town to find this place called "Ranau Rabbit Farm". Out comes my brother's Iphone and he searched for the loacation. Once he found it, we were all set and ready to go.

Technology Today

In today's world, we rely heavily on our devices and would use it just for anything. The internet has so much information and it is all just at the tip of our fingertips. Ever heard the saying "Just a Click Away"? Uh huh, more often than we like it sometimes.

Anyways, my point is that even with the tech we have today, it can sometimes be inaccurate. Unfortunately for us, the direction that was given off their Facebook page wasn't accurate at all. We ended up going around in circles and had to go back down the same road twice until we finally gave in and practiced the best way to get the right directions! Follow the steps below:

1. Stop
2. Look for a local
3. Gently ask for directions
4. Don't forget to say "please" and "thank you" (especially my fellow Malaysians)

Simple right? Again, this just proves my point. Sometimes we swollow everything the internet tells us without thinking ahead. Could have saved us time and fuel.

So, we finally found a locals by the road and decided to ask them for directions. In less than 5 minutes, they managed to direct us and explained to us where we went wrong. We were so thankful to them and bid our farewell. We followed their directions and we managed to finally get there!

Ranau Rabbit Farm


Imagine yourself going up a hill and you cannot wait to see what's the other side of it. Once you finally get over the hill and finally this is what you see:

Ok. I won't lie, after all that frustrating drive and pointless debates on why we got the coordinates wrong in the first place, I actiually felt relieved and happy we finally found the place. Plus, I really needed to pee badly! At first sight, there was a small cafe next to the ticketing counter and the was a fenced area where they keep the rabbits. Almost like a petting zoo because we were able to go in to play and carry the rabbits. So, before entering to go play with the rabbits, you need to pay a fee to get in.

RM3 for adults
RM2 for kids 4-14 years old

NOTE: For kids under 4 years old, golden citizens over 60 years old and people who are disabled/handicaped get to go in for FREE

How awesome is that right? I'm just happy that this place did not charge extra for bringing in cameras or just because you are a foriegner, you have to pay more than the locals. Sometimes, when friends come to visit me here in Malaysia, they complain about this and I just do not have anything to justify why some attractions treat tourists that way. Oh, did I mention that by the time we got there, we had less than 10 minutes before they closed the farm? So we decided to waste no time and paid to get in.

Rabbits! Rabbits! Rabbits!

Facing My Fears

When I was in playschool, I remembered that they had a rabbit in the school compound. A curious little boy I was, I wanted to feed it with grass. And yes, I got bitten on the finger and it bled. I remembered telling the teacher and showing her my boo boo and they took cared of it. Because of that, I have always been a little scared going near any rabbits till now. I mean, how bad can it be right? I was a little nervous at first but in the end, I managed to get one that didn't run away and wanted to be held. Over time, I kinda liked it near me and it reminds me of holding a puppy.

Here's my happy face finally feeling relaxed holding a rabbit. Note: I was the one having a bad hare day!

This trip was really worth it despite what we had to go through just to get here because I got to finally hold a rabbit up close and it was really therapeutic for me to say the least. If you're ever thinking about coming here, I would recommend at least do it once in your life time. On to the next post! Steem On!


Metal tp dalam hati ada taman. Haha

HAHA! jangan kasi ketara!

nice place bro. Haven't got the chance to go there yet, but hopefully soon.

Yes. Its nice la. Please go if you have the chance

Punya kiut the rabbit yang u hold that. Btw, last we went there, it was hot and all the rabbits are kesian kepanasan. Now that they built a shelter for them, I feel so happy for the rabbits 😁

Ya. I can imagine. Now at least they have shelter and a pretty one too!

dint even know ranau have rabbit farm~~

Yes, please pay them a visit when you have the chance ☺️

Wahh the rabbits are so cute! Congratulation for finally be able to overcome your fear!

Thank you! It was fun and enjoyable. Thanks for reading!

Nice write. I read about the owner of this place a while back. Would love to go one day!

Thanks @killuminatic. You should. Its fun.