Seeing My First Photogenic Kangaroo In Victoria - Blog #12

in #travel7 years ago

I took a drive up to Arthurs seat hill in Rosebud - Victoria yesterday with my handy tour guide @Jenniferc

Arthurs seat is located about 75km south east from Melbourne. The hill is also known by the aboriginal name of Wonga.

It's a major tourist attraction in the summertime, luckily it's the middle of winter here and it's not plagued by tourists this time of year. We only saw local family's out for picnics and some road cyclists climbing up the 1,000ft hill to be rewarded with the breathtaking views.


There are scheduled burning periods during the winter when the park rangers light controlled fires to burn off the bush which ensure fires don't get out of control during the summer when it's super hot. The area is teeming with indigenous wildlife including kangaroos, koalas, many varieties of snakes and insects. I didn't see any koalas, snakes, or insects; it's too cold for them to come out this time of year, If you visit in the summertime then it's a different story all together!

I got really close to these kangaroos, they seem to be use to people as they all sit right on the side of the trails just watching people pass by.






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My Previous Australia Blogs;

Three continents in 48 hrs - £600 To Move To The Other Side Of The World - Blog #11


Would love to see a Kangaroo jump over one of those monuments

haha, If it happens I'll be the first to let you know! ;)

My name is Joey, a baby kangaroo. I love these photos. Upvoted. Resteemed. Followed.
Amazing art. Amazing animals. Thanks.

Cheers Joey! They are incredible animals, I can't wait to see the red ones :)

I want to see someone pet it. Why didn't you pet it? You were so close!

I tried believe me! Once I moved closer they hopped away!
Maybe next time I will bribe them with food haha

Always bring food!

On the serious note. Leave those animals alone, they are not pets lol they are dangerous. If you don't believe me watch YouTube fail videos lol

Oh I believe you, especially mothers with little ones close by lol

What's up with the other kangaroos? Not photogenic? Ugly mofos? :D

I hear they have good days and bad! haha

wow!! amazing , thank you for sharing with us@@@@

No problem, glad you like it!
Similar posts coming regularly :)

"They all sit right on the side of the trails just watching people pass by." - Sounds very cute.

Maybe waiting for snacks? Pretty clever of them!

Haha maybe so. So adorable!

Beautiful photos!
That sure is one photogenic kangaroo - though I prefer wombats myself :-)

Oh cool, I'm sure I'll come across some of them at some point :)

Prepare to be amazed!

The kangroo looks to cute! Nice pictures!

Especially the little joeys, thanks!

Kangaroo photography good job man keep it up.

Thanks for the support dude!

You said he was photogenic.... But only the first picture was she posing for. The rest you was getting the "uninterested face" and just eating. Clickbait haha. Kidding of course. Thank you for the pictures of the Roo and good luck with future trips.

Let's call them candid shots! haha
Thanks for the comment, it made me laugh :)

What most people don't realise is how big Kangaroos really are. I got amazed the first time I saw one in real life! Nice pictures. Followed. :)

I guess everything is big in OZ, they even have spiders that hunt birds for god sake!
Thanks for the follow @littlevoice :)

Too beautiful!!! I loved your photos!

Thanks a lot! More to come :)

Upvoted and resteem. Your photos make me want to come here to touch Kangaroos. They look like friendly.

Thanks, I am glad you enjoy!
I really appreciate the resteem

wow such a beautiful place to visit you have good art of photography mate :)

Thanks, I am still learning and I hope to get better! :)

Good luck don't forget to follow me as i am following you :)

I'll check out your account, and I'll follow you if I enjoy your content

Nice pictures! Check out towerhill reserve at the end of the great ocean road to see koalas in the wild! Following your adventure

Oh cool I will put that on my list! It's close to Frankston?

Close to Warrnambool

Your photography is mind blowing..Once come and visit India..You will be amazed by the diversity in culture , tradition and demography... resteemed your blog..People should see your work brother...

Thanks very kind of you, I appreciate it. I want to go to India at some point to see the temples and experience the culture. :)

Wow nice place. This is in australia right? @eoincurran We're going to australia nxt month august 4 to visit my wife cousin in sydney.

Yeah this is about an hour or so drive south of Melbourne, stunning place but not much to do this time of year unfortunately! I have a funny feeling you'll enjoy it in Sydney, I have heard good things about it. :)

Hey mate with what camera you took those? They are very good, I´m actually impressed!

I wish I could go to Australia, I have a ton of mates there I´ve met in hostels while traveling but it is too expensive and my mexican budget does not allow me to go there.

I am currently in Guatemala and I am going to keep going down to Bolivia, then South East Asia.

How about you? What are your plans?

I took these with a Canon Rebel T3, it's a pretty old camera and I am planning on getting an upgrade soon.

That's cool, I know some people from Oz that I've met on my travels and I'm currently living and working with family.

I'm just winging it man, I have a vague plan to live in Thailand when my visa here expires but that's about it haha

I would like to travel South America some day, but I need to learn Spanish to get the full experience.

Oh damn... then I am misusing mine because yours are so much better and I have the T5 Rebel :S heheh

Wow, Thaliland should be a lifetime adventure, and I heard it is very cheap!

I agree with that, in order to really appreciate and fully experience these countries at least you have to know your way with locals...

that kangaroo looks all doped up!:-)