"Without change, something sleeps inside that seldom awakens." (Excerpt taken from "Dune".) Experiencing the pain creates the levelling field on which ll humans can eventually relate. The question at this point rises: Is the pain worth the while? In other words, what am I to do with the time I am given?
I look forward to reading the second part already. Thanks for your courageous openhearted article. May the good courage in you stay strong on this "May the 4th be with you" day! ;) Namaste :)
Wow, that are some words to start the morning with! Yeah, it was a bit open-hearted I guess, I honestly doubted to publish it but someone convinced me ;)
Good for you, good for us all! Such practice is rather cathartic and sure hope it brought some clarity and lightened the heart. A load share weighs half its weight! ;) Namaste :)