That sounds heavenly. That's close to my dream too. Buy some acreage, design/build a totally off-the-grid complex, and welcome visitors. Once I get too old to travel or lose interest what better thing than to have the world come to us! : )
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I could go on and on about this, haha- not sure if you know where I live, but we're in Ovid right along the Fingerlakes wine trail, parallel to Seneca Lake. Our current property is too small for what I'm talking about, but if we can find something in Lodi or Hector, or even Trumansburg or Burdett, we would be extremely close to a huge touristy area.
And the best part? I have a brother in law who lives in the attached cottage to our house, who we've worked through severe social anxiety over the years and got him to the point where he would absolutely be able to maintain the property and cabins for a salary if we wanted to take off for a week or two once we had everything running smoothly.
He works for us as our "foreman" with both the beekeeping business and our winter wholesale grapevine business. Though it appears on the outside we've done him great favors, we really would have a difficult time with help without his constant presence. And he would make it possible for us to not be married to this. He would love having his own cabin and a purpose, since this might be our last year of doing grapes. So my dreams of travel And settling in a cabin are absolutely within reach :)
It sounds like you have a great plan and all the more awesome that you've been able to include your brother-in-law in the dream. It sounds like a really fun life!
Aw thanks. Of course I'm getting ahead of myself, there are some steps in between. Realistically it will probably be a couple years before we can really start anything, but certainly can start shaping the plan :)