
in #travel7 years ago


Major nostalgia happening today, because we are having a spring roadtrip with the family, though missing the lil sis. When we were little, we used to go on these trips we call nature drives, with our dad, or uncle and cousins.

Just hop on to the car and drive around for hours, seeing the wonderful nature and stopping for snacks at some point. We live in central Finland and would often end up 200 kilometres away to the seaside, or somewhere higher where all you can see is dark green coniferous forest as far as the eye can see.


Finland is probably at it’s ugliest right now, when all the snow is melting and there is no green grass yet, but it’s all the more interesting.

I’m definitely going to be snapping photographs once we find a good spot to stop. Expecting floods and abandoned houses, maybe the sea and an old railway station, we’ll never know where we end up.


I'm gonna be disappointed if you don't post any pictures of dog shit which is everywhere on the streets. That would be some solid "SUOMIEKSOTIIKKAA SAATANA" material.

You can do a guest appearance on suomieksotiikkaa saatana -series and make your own post about it 😝

Nice! Gotta go hunt some shit so that I can make a literal shitpost.

I see your travel very good because after i read your write i know your travel have pyloshophy of life how be can thank to God and how to be come creative take ekslusive a moment

Travel is my hobby sis !!
Nice post and have fun

Yeah well you cannot have everything. In Italy spring is in full bloom, but then there's no inspirational gloom and melancholy in the air ;D

Fun trip, great post

Here is all snow gone... but here is fresh flowers already out in Estonia :))

I’ll come check out your spring in a month :)

Thank you :))) And How it was ? :))

Pleasant trip, I hope you and your family always happy. I also love to get around looking beautiful scenery. posting a very good, I love it. greetings ..

Nice trip, the family is everything :)

I drive around Estonia randomly pretty often, tryin to find places to photograph. Problem is, Estonia is so small that I can hardly find new places in 200km radius now.

Haha so true about the ugliness of this time of year, it’s the same in Canada... everything is just wet and muddy and none of the trees have leaves so everything is so bland! When does the spring bloom start for you?

With good luck, in two weeks we see some new green growth :)

I love a good road trip. I'm going to be driving 12 hours tomorrow to visit a friend for the weekend.

Reminds me of the days more than 40 years ago, when we used to drive around in my parents tiny Renault R4 in the Bavarian Forest. Hardly ever stopped for snacks though, as we simply didn't have the money. But my mother always had some goodies in a basket and I have the most wonderful memories!

Even the name Bavaria, sounds like the forest from a fairytale, it must be beautiful in there. Packing good snacks for a trip is the best but it requires some planning and such roadtrips are often very impromptu.