I was in Cebu for 3 months, studying English. To be honest, I focused on doing something else more than study.
The best thing I experienced in Cebu is Scuba diving.
It's totally different from snorkeling or swimming. I hadn't imagined that breathing in water would give me beautiful moments. There's nothing difficult to do it. Just get used to it and go down with a heavy air tank.
I was allowed to go 44m down because of my advanced diving licence. But there was nothing. Some boring cliffs were there. So I realised that depth is not important when we talk about dive and where you go is the most important part.
3개월간 영어공부를 하며 세부에 있었던 적이 있다. 솔직히 말하면 다른것들 하는거에 더 집중을 하긴 했지만.
그중에 스쿠버다이빙이 가장 재밌었던 경험인것 같다.
기존에 해봤던 스노클링이나 수영과는 완전 달랐고 나는 그때까지 물속에서 숨쉴수있는게 나에게 그런 좋은 순간을 가져다줄지는 생각지도 못했다.
어드밴스 다이빙 티켓 덕에 44미터까지 내려갈수 있었지만 막상 해보니 깊이보단 좋은 포인트를 가는게 더 많이 남는것 같다.
Turtles are not themselves in water. They are bullets.
거북이는 물속에서 정말 빠르다.
Sea snails?
Is this an eel? looks scary
장어 인가요? 무섭게 생겼네
Pool training for Beginners / 수영장 훈련
When you first visit diving shop, you will train in a pool before going to sea.
처음 다이빙샵에 가시는 분들은 수영장에서 연습 을 먼저 하는 경우가 있습니다.
Transfer 0.100 SBD to @mrbean1 and put the link of your post in the public memo
this is group for supportI GIVE you 4 FOLLOW AND 5 UPVOT and resteem by @mrbean1
incredibly good shots and that clear water <3
keep up the good work!
Id love to provide one day that great Value with my Music, like you do! :)
cheers mate!