Very interesting perspective. I get people on my posts all the time - here and on other platforms - who want to leave "someplace" but don't. I tell anyone that the first step is getting a passport and find that to be a big sticking point all on its own for some people.
They remind me of my obese people who want to lose weight but don't and my friends with anxiety who want to improve their situations but don't.
Maybe this is inertia, but we only have limited days here, so I try my best to make use of the ones I get, but as to leaving - no matter where you go - there you are until you aren't :)
lol - one of my son's poor friends is in a fb fight today about women vs men with all the buzzwords and horrific meanness on all sides. I knew this kid as a baby as well as lots of the others.
My advice - leave that stupid country so you can all obsess about something more meaningful! None of them like my advice and prefer to keep fighting about perceived insults. I'm sure they have no idea that no one else in the world even cares about this topic.