Went to Quezon for 3 days by car. Stayed at Graceland for our First night. Visited the “Kamay ni Hesus” and the famous Palaisdaan in Quezon (just like in Tarlac). And then the next day we went to Cagbalete Island and stayed for the night. When we’re at Cagbalete, I really felt the relaxation, the feels of staying in the province. No internet, just the smell of the ocean and the fresh air.
Also if you guys plan to go to this island, I suggest bring some inflatables and speakers. Or some “malong” that you can sat on and have picnic plus chill musics.
Would love to hear from you guys through the comment section!

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share naman ang secret 10 votes 70$ agad,,lodi
I think it's because of the dtube eh. thanks men!
Respect, you know how to make good Promotion, yet I'm infected by holyday fever and can't wait to visit a wonderful place like Quezon too.
Yeeeees! Quezon is a must visit!
Awesome content. Well done
Thank youuuu! 💖