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RE: Why I Created An Eco Village and Why It's Time To Take It To The Next Level of Thrival!

in #travel7 years ago

Keep spreading good vibes, Quinn. We're all in this together! Here's to abundance and peace becoming the new normal. Nice Fig trees by the way, have you done some propagating off of them? Once I was able to root a 4 foot long fig cutting and that made me want to experiment with much bigger cuttings. Onward!


Yes we hav 5 fig trees we have cultivated from cuttings!
Works very well, super free and sustainable!

Nice! I want to get into air layering some fruit tree cuttings. It seems that method works for almost anything unlike traditional cuttings.

There are so many ways to propagate plants and some ways work better than others for certain types of plants. Fig trees are pretty easy though!

Indeed, Figs seem like a great one to start on for propagating and then building off that success to explore other methods. Are there any other fruit trees you know of that are as easy as figs to multiply? Be well!

I can't think of any as easy as the fig trees for that kind of propagation but anything local should grow easy. We have pecan and peach trees that grow from seeds so easily and sprout up all over the place.

Nice! No need for growing food(for fruit trees) to be hard. Love it!

Nope, growing food is designed to be easy!