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RE: If “A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words,” What is a Video Worth?

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

It's nice watching old travels. Seeing friends and family moving and interacting with each other is a much more livelier experience than watching photos.

I put up videos for the sole purpose of making money, I am not going to lie, but when you watch old videos of your love ones, it can be an emotional roller coaster.

put up videos for the sole purpose of 'trying' to make money.


The thing is, our family don't like to be recorded. So we've decided to just focus on our own adventures. Not so much on things with the family.

O yeah I get that too with my partner's family. I guess too self conscious or scared to be famous one day. My side, they own it, maybe it's a Filipino thing.

Oh yeah Filipino's love to be in videos and photos hahahah! Mabuhay!