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RE: Lessons Learned After One Year of Living Internationally in Panama

in #travel7 years ago (edited)

Jaja, pues.. Te ppuedo escribir en español también. No ayuda mucho con el hablar, pero es buena práctica. Era una sorpresa encontrar una misa en español aquí en Mankato. No lo anticipaba, aunque hay muchos Latinos en la zona. A veces asisto a esa misa.

I've noticed my Spanish getting worse since returning to the USA. Even though I converse with people in Spanish on a daily basis, it's different than being immersed. When I lived in Spain, my English actually atrophied a little.

Enjoy the warm. I'm envious! We're getting "up to six inches of snow" on Sunday.


Did you get a lot of snow today? The winter weather is crazy this year!!

We ended up with about two inches, so I'm grateful. Maybe next weekend's snow won't come!