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RE: Havey's Australia & New Zealand Adventure Part 1 - Are We There Yet?

in #travel6 years ago

I'm finally able to make it! That is to reading about your travels so far. It's funny to think that at this very moment you are sleeping when it would still be daylight. You are now living in the future :P
Wait. Does that mean, right now you are a day older, but when you return you are a day younger? :O You know... that might be the loop we needed to live eternally :D

Sorry to hear the flight wasn't such a great flight and there was a lot of stress put on you. Reading this kind of gives me an idea of what to expect later on. I'm excited to go there, just not the plane part . EEK!


I'm indeed from the future 🔮 haha

That's an interesting theory but unfortunately I feel years older rather than days after that one 😂 maybe I could get some pampering on the way back to wind back the clock. If I cross the international date line in NZ I'll be behind you 😉

How long is your flight later in the year by the way?

Thanks for reading meuf 😊 their animals make some interesting noises here but nothing quite matches the native squuuueeeeroarrrrr 😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Only wishful thinking that theory, we all know that the secret to eternity is through vampires ;)

The flight will be a short one in comparison, I think it might be 3-4 hrs depending if we go directly or through another one that's less expensive but makes more stops on the way. I'm not sure what time we will be leaving either but it sounds like it might be super late or way too early. Like being at the airport for 4am. Not looking forward to that.

Always looking forward to reading ^_^
You wont find too many of these animals around, they can be a rare sighting.... SQuuueeeeROOAARRRR! :p