Hello there,
I'm behind my posting schedule because I got some problem with the steemit app, it's loading ages when i want to post but it's actually not posting. That goes for the app and browser. Also lost like 2 drafts because of it I'll try to remember what i did on those days.
On Friday my 4th day we went for breakfast, with my indian friend. We jumped in the rikshaws/rikshas and went for the restaurant. Here are some of local snacks for breakfast.
I'm sorry i forgot the names of the places and my sim card is not working properly so if there are any questions I'll look up the places again.
From the restaurant where we had breakfast we went to the boat which took us to Pagoda that big golden thing in the pictures. A buddhist temple. Where you can also register yourself for a Vepassana thats a 10 day meditation course where you are only allowed to speak to the teacher and only to know more about the meditation. So you're with people but are not allowed to speak, touch, show handsigns or any other art of communication. Will see if i can register myself in the next few months.
After that we went to grab some snacks. Which are also shown below.
Oh and I borrowed some flip flops from a friend because someone stepped on mine so through all the walking I got cute and was walking barefoot starting when we got back from Pagoda and survived without any further injuries.
On the way back we got some good chai. See in the photo below i got a good shkt of the chai dude.