India Trip - Goa to Hamp Pt. 2

in #travel8 years ago

Hey there,

What I enjoyed most about Hampi was riding a scouty for the first time, it was so much fun that I need to get my driving licence for the more powerful bikes, when I'm back home.

We started practicing on the small road to our hostel, 3 first timers.
So we got our scouties and went for exploring the area around.

First we went for the waterfalls which were not there because of the dry season ongoing for 2 years now.

No rain at all.

Eventhough the river still has alot, its 7m or deeper and has very sharp edged stones formed by the water.

We were jumping from the top of some of the rocks into the water.

Apparently I don't have all the photos yet you guys have to wait until I get them because my phone is half broken, haha.

Last goal Hanuman temple.


We were pretty late for sunset so we had to run up the mountain very fast and the sun was already setting arouns 6 pm it took us 10-15 minutes for 600-700 steps.

Yeah we were pretty slow, haha. Totally unfit.

On the way up we saw Monkeys chilling around, very close to the stairs. While we are trying to get to the top before the sun vanished totally.

We lost the other half of our group.

Sunset picture

After sunset the dark of the night took over.

Oh and btw we noticed that only 2 out of 4 light were working and of course there is not much street light around, haha.

But luckily we managed and survived the way back without too much of a hassle.



Bye for today, not able to write much until I get back.



Goa is the best place to travel..

Yeah you're right Goa is also awesome I went there a second time. 😂

i had been there quite few times but still whenever i think of holidays, goa is the only place which comes into my mind.
enjoy buddy

Haha yeah I will definitely come back for Goa that's for sure. Maybe I'll see you around there next time buddy 😂

I will be waiting