India Trip - Goa to Hampi Pt. 3

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Hey there,

YES guys, I got sick the first time in India, after having survived without getting a bad stomach.
Finally I managed to. Look at me totally proud.

But luckily it was only for a day.

My view for some time.
The protecting giant dog, there were two of them, but this one has special story. I heard a story about, I think Bosso was his name, he was fighting a leopard when he was young and luckily he survived only with some scars.

I was recovered the next day but not fully energized so I stayed back.

My breakfast.

Hampi was starting to get hotter it seems more travellers were staying back or came back from bouldering and were hiding from the burning sun.

The evening before I saw people playing a game.
A game of chess.

I really enjoy playing it. I got a board and well there were pieces missing so we had to create the missing ones. See for yourself.

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Then I started playing against my friend James.
But i won't tell you who won, haha.

I also started teaching them the art of ATOMIC CHESS. The way to play it is to nuke your way to the King. Get him pulverized to dust.
Here is a link for those who are brave enough to give it a shot.

The following days I ended up playing chess mostly against a lot of different people.
It was amazing, haha.

Bye see you later


Found a bigger board later on, haha.
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