October 2019 was the last time I flew. I'd arrived home in Australia from New Zealand after a very enjoyable holiday and, whilst I'm always happy to come home to a country I love, I'll admit that my wandering spirit was already casting its eye abroad looking for the next adventure.
Adventures ensued
I didn't have to wait long as by January 2020 I had my next two trips booked and paid for: Tasmania, Australia for a couple of weeks in March (for my birthday) and Scandinavia in the middle of the year for several weeks of catching up with my brother @tarazkp, sister in-law @momone and my beautiful niece @smallsteps. I was, to put it plainly, totally pumped for those trips! And then the world went mad.
I spent between March and October 2020 working from home - let me be honest, I did fuck all work in that whole time - and the world turned on its head. Basic supplies weren't available, we were told where to stand and when and in what numbers we were allowed to gather. We were locked down, beat down and, well, it sucked ass.
My two trips were cancelled and I spent a few months wrangling with the airlines and hotels to get my money back. The many thousands of dollars from the Scandinavia trip was refunded by October however I only received flight credits for the Tasmania trip, and only $1,200AUD, not the $1,500AUD I'd originally spent. I was not happy.
With things as they were I wasn't able to fly anywhere and, I'll be honest, it had started get on my last nerve. I'm a live life sort of guy and like to get the best from what I'm allotted, my time. All this waiting around for government assholes to sort their shit out was wasting time I didn't feel I had to waste. Come on already you wankers, get shit sorted, I'm getting older you know!
I just spent twenty minutes booking and paying for flights to travel to the tropical north of Australia, some four thousand kilometres away from where I live, to visit my other brother and his family including his little lad, my nephew, whom I absolutely adore! It's only a ten day trip but one I very much need after the shenanigans of the last two years.
I love travelling and have been all over this planet of ours. To have my wings clipped over the last two years has felt uncomfortable and emotionally confining; I'll be honest it has left me with a feeling of loss; I guess I mean lost opportunity and time.
To me, life is this precious thing, something one mustn't take for granted, live by half-measures or waste in any way. Life can be taken away all too easily, this I know very clearly, and I don't see any advantage to floating along throughout it; I'm the man who shapes it, designs and creates it the way I wish it to look, to the best of my ability. I think that's what has made the last two years so difficult for me; I felt stifled.
Booking those flights today felt good. The chance to spend time with my nephew and his parents feels good. Sure, I'll probably not enjoy all the fuckassery that'll likely ensue during the travel phase due to the pandemic situation however it's a small price to pay to be flying again and to spend some time with that little chap in Far North Queensland.
Now...I just have to find the patience to wait out the intervening time. They say patience is a virtue...I say, fuck that, hurry up end of April, get here already...I gotta fly!
Feel free to tell me your travel stories, or lack of travel stories, in the comments below. I'm sure some of you have been in the same situation.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
The image is mine, taken somewhere between New Zealand and Australia, heading west
The world went mad and has yet to come out of it. The political fallout is widespread and maddening on a daily basis here. It drives me insane. I could rant about ALL the things for days, but you asked about traveling.....
We traveled a lot of America with all our kids during the last two years that my business was shut down, kids weren't allowed to go to school, and my hubby is working remote. Things are starting to normalize-ish. Kids are still supposed to wear masks at school where we are, but the Superbowl is fair game. Ah, falling into the hole of venting again....
We were supposed to go on a trip to Israel next month. We decided to cancel it because our current presidente can't be bothered to help Americans out of the country if the S$%@ hits the fan. We were going to see Israel, and Cairo and Greece and Petra and a few other places. It was going to be glorious. We have avoided traveling to some states because of their lockdown nonsense and also because of crazy amounts of crime that has stemmed down from the moronic "defund the police" movement. That is starting to turn around incrementally. It has affected our travel though.
I could go on, but will stop there for now.
That sounds like a legit trip; I've always wanted to see Petra, just never got the chance when I was in the vicinity. Also good that you got some home-travelling done. So many here go overseas but have never really seen Australia which has so much to offer. Best to make the most of what we have huh?
I understand your frustrations as I feel them too. I booked my flights and now inside 24 hours later hear that the State I'm travelling to is considering covid restrictions, again. It's mental.
Oh well, all I can do it roll with it, like everyone else.
Ouch so you lost $300 for nothing, sorry to hear that
From now until the end of April it won't be long, but I can understand how excited you are. The last time I flew overseas was in 2019, so I am looking forward to my next overseas trip very soon.
They seem to sort it out, lol. I pray sometimes that Covid would leave, since I'm getting older. We all want to travel again without any restrictions.
Where are you planning to go for your first trip away? Any plans at the moment or are you still considering?
Australia, Galen so I may have a chance to catch up with you this year 🙂 Due to the Covid, my trip has been postponed for years, so I'm not considering just waiting until I finish some personal things here, then heading to Australia. My plan is to go to Queensland, work, and travel :)
Ah ok, well good luck with that I hope it works out.
Well, luck be with you, lad! ;) I feel your pain.
I have two vacations canceled and one I will lose completely if I don't book by April, although I get charged $500 each time I rebook and I am not willing to lose more money on it than I already have sunk.
There is a lack of good travel stories here.
A familiar story indeed. You have to love the $500 rebooking fee huh? Not!
Its common, and it gets included in the priced, nut at this point, the should be paying me $500 for booking with them.
It's common, and it gets included in the priced, but at this point, they should be paying me $500 for booking with them.
I agree Swigs...Support them, they say...Yeah ok, but some reciprocal action would be welcome.
Oh yes, I’ve been in the same situation. The canceled 2020 vacay, airline certs etc. sucks they didn’t refund 100%. Why? You may have seen my last couple of posts (I saw your vote on one - thank you! 😻) where I have been lamenting the very same thing, well pretty similar feelings at least.
Be assured that the shenanigans around flying these days are really pretty okay. Put your mask on and keep it on until you left the airport - done. Especially flying within your country. Going somewhere else is a bit more involved.
Then again, everything could have changed by April, and hopefully for the better!
I understand the airlines (and others) have taken a hit, but punishing consumers isn't the way to go. A little here and there, from millions of travellers, all adds up to cast sums of money for nothing. It's not cool. Still, I'm just focusing on my trip and looking forward to it.
Exactly. It is why I don’t understand that they didn’t refund you 100%, albeit in travel certs. It’s just not right!
I think they called it administration fees. Umm, yeah ok, that's not legit. What can I do though?
‘Sad LOL’ - $300 admin fee is beyond ridiculous. But you're right, what can little people do against big corps... I haven't participated myself but sometimes there are consumer groups that fight together in something like this. And I could imagine there's been a lot of Aussies in your shoes. Might be worth a quick check.
It's all a bit ridiculous however that words sums up the last two years pretty well in general I'd say.
Travel..... what is that ???
LOL... I know ... funny.... not funny.
Haha, yep it's a bit like that. I'm pretty keen and already making offerings to the gods in Valhalla so that the travel goes smoothly and without any covid nutbaggery.
I miss travelling too Galen! As much as I want to see the world and discover new places, I really want to go back to my backyard in Jamaica. I have such fond memories of spending time with my mum in her garden, picking seasonal fruits, with nosy neighbours whispering, "it's Miss Chambers last daughter, and the white man is her husband"... and of my dad washing his car, and every other car parked in the yard, squeaky clean for his dislike of dirty vehicles.
I miss jerk pork, I miss my contankerous neighbour who wakes up every morning saying, "he's going to knock down that woman" (Jamaican: "Mi a go lick dun da ooman deh, u nu")...
I miss seeing the sexiness and carefree attitude of the girls
I DON'T miss the men though.
It's funny really, the world is at our feet and yet we yearn for home. I get it. No matter where I go I always like that moment I walk off the plane onto Australian soil. Getting home to my cats is even better. 😊
It sounds like you have some special memories and I hope you make it back soon.
Ah, there's no notification of this response, but hey! I found it!😁 Despite having too much wine.
Yeah, I do have special memories of home, and never in a million years did I think it was possible to be away from home for so long.
Hopefully, I'll be back on Jamaican soil soon, in the flesh, of course:)
...and yes, I wanna meet my mum's little pussycat
Cats are the best. I like mine more than most people. 😊
yeah, I love yours too, and I haven't even met her.🙃
Cleo is a lovely little thing. She's my prized and most valuable posession.
I bet she is 😍...I'm not surprised because she's adorable:)
#Post-Wine-Recovery response: Yes, it's always a heartwarming feeling to touch down in the land of birth, from wherever you have been...Whether a short or long vacation. It's just a feeling that fills you up with pride (for me at least)...In Jamaica, it's the warmness of the people, and their direct and descriptive expressions that make me know "yes" I'm home...then I encounter a crude man, and just wanna leave😏
You've mentioned the blokes in Jamaica a few times. Sounds like you're not at all impressed with them. Rude, ungentlemanly and crass in general?
Yeah, I'm just not a fan of them at all. You'd have to witness it to fully understand, and if you don't understand, not sure how you'd deal with it. Men will even say explicit, vulgar, crude, crass stuff of what they'd like to do to you, even if you are with your partner. It's a reality that's hard to comprehend. Some women like it, I DON'T! I have a hard time taking injustice of any kind without retaliating, which brings out a dark side of me; a darkness that's best dormant.
They sound like dick heads.
"They" are!👺😡
...they think of themselves as James Bond...they must sleep with every woman they meet.
Leave a scarecrow in a skirt, and "they" will lust after it, before realising what it is...yes, that's just how stupid they are.
Ahhh flying, to be like the birds. I hope you get to fly again soon and see more of the amazing world. :) Cheers!!
Dropping you some hot !PIZZA and !LUV on this post!
I'm flapping my
armswings already. 🤔Your birthday's next month... That's cool. What day's it sir?
For someone who loves travelling I can imagine the feeling of staying locked down for 2 whole years.
I haven't had the opportunity to travel extensively, but I have been to the north, East and West of Nigeria...
My first trip on a plane was to London in 2013... Can't forget the experience... It was exhilarating, felt like I had adrenaline being pumped directly into my blood stream.
Travelling is enjoyable and I hope you get to do a little more as time goes by. Where would you like to go, given the chance?
I do wish to travel more. If given the chance, I would like an opportunity to see Dubai...
Everyone's talking so much about it being the fastest man-made city... How innovation is the bedrock of the Evolution of the same city...
I would so enjoy feasting my eyes on new things I've never seen before...
Especially the massive building with automated response systems...
Then being a doctor, I am fascinated by medical equipments... I am sure loads of them exist in Dubai... Getting a chance to see them and understand a little bit about how they work would leave me elated for a very long time.
I've not been to Dubai, but have heard a thing or two about it. I'm not sure if I'm that keen to be honest. I prefer natural places, the great outdoors and cities don't hold much interest for me. I hope you make it there though.
Thank you @galenkp
I think Australia has that natural feel and look... That's why you stay there.
Maybe you should visit the Amazons in Brazil.
I stay here because it's one of the best countries in the world...But yeah, I travel to others for the experiences I gain.
Sounds like you're a bit biased. What makes Australia so special?
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