You try getting some cedar oil? Also ash in the dustbowl heels mites and bugs down.
And always aim for hearty stock. Learn and choose the right kinds of livestock.
Personally I love bunnies.
You try getting some cedar oil? Also ash in the dustbowl heels mites and bugs down.
And always aim for hearty stock. Learn and choose the right kinds of livestock.
Personally I love bunnies.
I ended up getting pesiticide because she's a pricey bird and also my favorite on the farm. I dust bathed her in ash repeatedly and made a mite spray but it didn't help.
AS for the hearty stock, silkies are rare in Mexico so we take what we can get and the climate change to Acapulco kicked their asses.
While silkies have issues they're extremely useful and adorable.
AS for bunnies, we had about 10 different bunnies by the end of it and not one lasted more than a week. At least I've had a silkie for 5 months lol
Awe! Well keep working!
And you are homesteading!