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RE: Travels With Connie #52 Back Of The Rim

in #travel7 years ago

You describe your trip spectacularly, you feel peace and relaxation, ideal to alleviate the stress of daily life. The countryside, nature, the clear sky to admire the stars, what better environment to meditate. It is a beautiful memory, thank you for sharing it. Have a happy night and each day of your life is a beautiful trip to share. Successes


I just love looking at the stars and this place was better than most for it. Pristine clear skies, 9000' elevation, and no light pollution at all. Perfect set up. I meditate most mornings, and when camping it is usually prior to the first cup of coffee. At that altitude I had a nice long meditation until the coffee was ready.

I'm from Venezuela, I use the google translator. I practice yoga to alleviate the stress of our current situation, between costs and insecurity, it is not easy to go out for a walk, that's why I loved reading, traveling, camping and meditating with you. There are very good publications to read that help us mentally and spiritually, yours was one of those and I found it thanks to a contest, that is to say that only with reading you I feel like a winner. Have a great day and keep sharing your travels.