A world without weapons would be a world without humans.Haha. I get your point @velimir.
A large part of how humans evolved from an ancestor perhaps somewhat like some of the modern apes is because we started to use weapons, thought up by our larger brains.
These weapons, likely started out by throwing rocks instead of faeces as chimps do. When it was seen that rocks worked better than faeces, an arms race started that would have involved big sticks and bones. With that the proto-humans could have fought off larger predators instead of just running and climbing and hoping none of them got caught.
All the rest of the discoveries and inventions would have followed after that because having weapons meant that less time would have been needed for guarding the group and running, more time would have been available for eating.
Weapons also provided meat which is higher in protein than vegetable matter. That in turn allowed for more brain development and more evolution towards modern man.
Without weapons, none of it would have been possible.
The problem now is that those weapons are used not just for defending and hunting, but also for war and murder.