Mini Dracula (Photo by keiross)
Entry #1
Most of the time it's just me and the few mosquitos who make the mistake of hanging out in my room. This one who is hiding in the folds of my sheets thinks I'm just another stupid human who doesn't give an insect much thought, but ohhhh no... I've been staring at him through the corner of my eye for at least 5 minutes, waiting for him to ascend for a proper battle. What this mini-dracula doesn't know is that I am very much hunting him as much as he is hunting me. This isn't a game mosquito!!
On a possible related note, does dengue fever make you delirious?
Entry #2
I'm hungry and I've been laying in bed for the past hour thinking about food, but it's 1am and I'm unapologetically too lazy to get up. Ironically, the mosquitos are having quite a feast on my exposed skin despite my efforts to protect myself with my fan on full blast, a blanket, and citronella oil. There are just too many of them in my room right now probably because I left my door cracked open at dusk. This is what happens when I neglect simple protocol--you know, the kind you scold children to follow. So I'll be the first one to admit that I kind of deserve it. On the other hand, this is giving me a chance to practice a technique I call the Sonic Boom Clap, where you cup your hands as to not squish them like you would with flattened palms. I don't like to kill mosquitos as much as I don't like them, so I sonic boom their asses and incapacitate them instead. It seems to work and best of all, it's kind of fun, especially for times like these when I am obviously bored.

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tiny but mighty