How I packed for 2 months in Spain. And then, there's my husband...

in #travel9 years ago (edited)

I'll tell you what...

Preparations for this trip to Spain has spanned several months. Since Jason confirmed his decision to complete his master's degree in Scotland, we've had months filled with excited conversations- planning our extended stay in Spain, as well as our eventual move to Scotland. These months have given me SO MUCH TIME, to plan and research. Perhaps too much time??

Google became my closest friend, as I sought to gain knowledge:

backpacking in Spain
best backpacks for backpacking
minimalist backpacking
how to pack a backpack
what to bring for 2 months abroad
september/october weather in Spain
should i purchase a travel towel?
benefits of packing cubes
carry-on travel tips
travel capsule wardrobe

And I'm all-

Yes! We're going to buy carry-on size backpacks, and only take what we absolutely need!!!!

Then, as I read traveler blogs, more questions and ideas occurred to me- Should I backup up my laptop to an external hard drive? Obviously I'm going to need an iPhone tripod! Lightweight, of course.

But after watching several [and I mean several] YouTube videos on traveling light, I became a bit overwhelmed.

Who ARE these people??? These people who have perfectly matching minimalist wardrobes in all neutral colors- everything looking crisp and brand new. And with the sweetest smile, they say-

"I pack everything into this medium-sized cube, and still have room in case I want to purchase items while traveling."


But, I kept my cool and simply decided that I would need to practice packing my backpack in order to narrow down the items that were truly significant. I gathered the bits of informations, suggestions, and warnings that seemed most applicable to our plans, and slowly pieced my packing list + to-dos together.

Sunday (3 days before departure): "I am trying to pack 18 tops & 7 bottoms. And a couple dresses. This will never work." [first wardrobe edit occurs]

Meanwhile, Jason is observing his seemingly nutty wife. "What are you doing??" he asks, as I begin trying on various pieces of clothing/outfits. "I'm trying on everything that I plan to pack!" [duh!]

Monday (2 days before departure): "12 tops, 6 bottoms. And those dresses! What the freakin/ heck?!?! Am I supposed to walk around nude in Spain?!" [second wardrobe edit occurs]

Tuesday (1 day before departure): "Ok, it's looking good. I just need one skirt... and these two dresses. And two pairs of shorts, and 5 tank tops. And one short-sleeve shirt... and one long-sleeve. And two pants... Is this still too much??" But I take out my outfit for the flight, and find that it all fits in my medium-sized packing cube... with no room for ANY additions, but, let's cross that bridge when we get there, ok?

Meanwhile, that same evening, Jason finally began his packing process. I observed him quietly while tending to my own chaos. (Note: Jason watched zero minimalist packing YouTube videos, ok?)

He casually walked to the dresser, and pulled out a variety of shirts and pants, then chose a few items out of our closet.

Then he organized his choices into a neat pile, and started folding his pile into a large burrito-like mass.

Um, no- he didn't use the packing cubes I bought for him. He managed to fit his tightly-packed burrito into his backpack, top it off with a few other items, and exclaim, "There! I'm done! And I still have so much room in the small backpack I'm taking!"

Seriously?! He didn't even try on any outfits!!

Ugh. But I love him so much for this.

And this is part of why I am so excited about these next two months traveling and volunteering together! We have such different ways of approaching situations, but often, we find that both ways work. This team is going to ROCK!!!

Well, I must admit that my biggest struggle the morning of our flight was that I could not fit all my snacks into my smaller back pack. Yeah- my snacks.

Lover was kind enough to loan me some space in his pack, though. 'Cause hangry don't look good on me, okay?

So we made it happen- 1 carry-on backpack each, and a smaller, personal backpack per person for 2 months in Spain. So far, it's working!


Great stuff goaldigger! If you do < center> link < /center> (with no spaces between the < and center> you can center the gifs.

Thanks for the reminder, @hanshotfirst! I had forgotten all about that little tip!

Great article and awesome gifs you found there :)
But I have to admit I clicked on your article, because of your brilliant username

Haha- thank you so much, @mrs.steemit! I get such a kick out of gifs. :)