A decent club sandwich in Thailand? No way! @Phumokfa Cafe

in #travel6 years ago

Ordering a club sandwich in Thailand is always a bit of a gamble. This is because I don't think that very many people actually really know what a club sandwich is. Many places feel as though they can just put whatever and use an extra piece of bread and voila! Club Sandwich!


The bread was toasted, so this is a good start since that is pretty paramount in order to qualify for "club sandwich" status.

Wikipedia defines a club sandwich as "a sandwich of bread (traditionally toasted), sliced cooked poultry, or fried bacon, lettuce, tomato, and mayonnaise."

A sandwich of bread? What else would it be made of? slices of watermelon?

Other people have other opinions about what goes on it but I have seen some pretty strange concoctions on a Thailand including cucumbers, raw onions in superfluous quantities, carrots, and in one really strange place slices of cheese that still contained the plastic wrapper (obviously this was a mistake.)


My sandwich did not follow the prescribed formula at all as there is a fried egg in there and at first I was upset about this. However, since they didn't cook the ever-living-crap out of the egg and the yolk had a chance to spread around, it was actually very good.


I washed this down with a cold strawberry juice in a carafe and to be honest, this might be one of the best western dishes I have had since I arrived. It was also only 75 Baht total (just over $2) for the entire check.

By the way the restaurant is called Phumokfa Cafe and here is their location and GPS

This tl;dr is sponsored by Mitch Hedberg, one of the greatest comedians of our generation who is sadly no longer with us.


Hi gooddream. looks like a bit of a lottery when you order certain dishes there. Makes it a bit more interesting as you don't know what is coming.I know some people would have a heart attack if they found a runny egg inside. Price is decent for what you got as well so I wouldn't complain with this effort.

Although I really get very rich, I would eat several to fill me ... Hahaha two greetings minimum friend.

A sandwich of bread 😂

Looks decent man! Strawberry juice too, love it! I usually go for watermelon juice;)

I had the worst “chicken burger” ever in Shanghai, I didn’t even get through half of it and I’m not a fussy eater... the worst I’ve ever had haha! However in Guangzhou (and I know in Shanghai) there are lots of options for great western food!:)

That sandwich does look pretty good. I do like eggs on my sandwich most of the time, like you said, if it isn't overcooked.

The name is quite hard to pronounce!
Any way keep reviewing food and restaurant!

Wow, that is quite the deal indeed. I just started following you, how long have you been in Thailand now? I have a brother in law whose go-to dish if he is eating at a new place is either nacho's or the club sandwich. He figures there isn't much you can do to mess those two things up. He also uses it as a gauge of how good the place is. I can't count the number of club sandwiches I have seen that guy eat over the years :) The addition of the egg on yours is interesting indeed. I had my first burger with an egg on it about a year ago and I am still not sure how I felt about it :)

It looks so yum

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