As a previous business owner (I had a small hotel, a bar, and a restaurant) I am very aware of how important it is to be highly ranked on TripAdvisor. It was always a very frustrating aspect of my job because people don't even look around with their senses anymore. I am guilty of it too, walking down the road looking at my phone in order to get somewhere and not even taking in my surroundings thereby not actually learning anything about the area I am in.

This means that unless you get on things like TripAdvisor or Yelp or whatever happens to be popular in your particular region, you will experience great difficulty in obtaining customers. Seems pretty obvious. However, the problem I have with this entire process is how easy it is to manipulate their system. There are some pretty funny stories out there about how people worked to make non-existent businesses in their communities the "Number one restaurant" the most famous one being the restaurant in London whose pictures weren't even actually food.

However, through hype and a load of fake reviews they gradually worked their way to number one in all of London. They even answer the phone when people would call for reservations and simply tell everyone they don't have an opening until next year or something like that. It's a very interesting story and you can hear it all in this clip.
That is the most famous one, but I want to talk about my personal experience: We were on TA and had been for years. We won the coveted "certificate of excellence" and maintains a 4-star rating for 7 years. A new, giant hostel with bar and restaurant opened up next door to my well-established place and within 2 weeks they had 10 times as many reviews as we did. How is this possible? It isn't - they cheated. To make matters worse all of the established businesses in the immediate area started getting hit with a rush of 1-star reviews from people that clearly had never even been there. It wasn't just me, it was everyone.
Then one day I was contacted by a service center in India advertising that they can help my TA rating as they have over ten thousand accounts with TA and you don't pay until the 5-star reviews post and I can also pay to tarnish the name of some other competing business with 1-star reviews. So there you have it, not necessarily this specific company, but one like it was responsible for the online success of my neighbor business.

Through a series of complaints that I organized with all the surrounding businesses we were able to get a lot of the negative reviews for our businesses removed because the company made some errors by having the same account make negative reviews of multiple lodging establishments and they used a copy/paste script rather than doing original content. A lot of the 1-star reviews were unresolved though and they ended up staying on our listings and of course negatively impacting our respective businesses.
I don't really use TripAdvisor because I know how easily manipulated their system is. There are some very clever companies out there that can make or break your business as far as that platform is concerned. I hope that #tasteem can expand to other countries but at the moment they seem to be only operating in Korea. A South-African friend of mine is currently working on an app that requires you to be within range of a dongle of sorts in order to write a review and I suppose that would eliminate a lot of the "call center" fakes. They are having trouble raising the money because obviously the technology isn't free.
I suppose I am writing this because of my experience at the very highly rated French Restaurant last night that turned out to be an average place to eat.
I think if you insist on using TripAdvisor I would at least take the following steps to get to the facts
- Ignore the 1 and 5-star reveiws
- look for the "trusted reviewers" (these people are upvoted by the community and have a lot of "helpful" votes on their reviews
- do a google advanced search on any review to see if it is a copy/paste (this is very easy to do)
Wow! This is very interesting to me as I myself is a reviewer of Tripadvisor but I do legit reviews and reading about your experience really saddens me. For a person like me who used to travel much, Tripadvisor was one of my go-to's but I usually rely on my instincts regarding the reviews. Altho I use other websites too to check a hotel/restaurant that I want and basically google. Reality is, you should not always believe immediately what's infront of you. It really feels bad that however you try to make a good and honest review, there will be people who will use evil just to make money. This only tells us that you should always be wise on choosing a place to stay before you actually decide. Thanks @gooddream for this read!
I totally agree with you. I have like 300 reviews there, and I stopped after I realized what other people write - most of the reviews are just meaningless copy/paste sentence... I hoped that I will become the "trusted reviewer", but did not happen :/
i don't know how one achieves that status but i think it has a lot to do with how many times someone's reviews are rated at "helpful" by other members. Of course this could also be easily manipulated by a bunch of fake profiles also
And this tripadvisor looks so new to me as i am hearing it for the first time
TripAdvisor sounds great
Posted using Partiko Android
In truth hehehe the logo looks like duolingo ... in truth lately you have published restaurants ... Excellent food ... Hopefully my country is free soon for the investment of large chains of restaurants.
Ya @gooddream, it happens sometimes in every case. Just only not about TripAdvisor but its also about other things. The things which others feel good could be badest for u.
Posted using Partiko Android
I haven't used Tripadvisor but I do know how that media works for criticism and how rare it is to find honest and sincere comments. Besides, how damaged a company can be when those bad criticisms pile up.