Well, Wilmington isn't exactly a metropolis so it should come as no surprise that their airport isn't exactly a hub of activity. I suppose it shouldn't be terribly surprising that there were very few people there but I wasn't expecting there to be almost no one there.

When i first walked in, I wasn't sure if my Uber had dropped me off in the correct place because there was literally no one at any of the counters. I knew I was at the correct airport but since I am a bit aloof and sometimes bad at scheduling it was not beyond the realm of possibility that I might have been there on the wrong day.

ok, so there was one guy, but you get the point
I went to go use a kiosk but then a team of super-friendly people said "we can help you over here" and I was starting to think at that point that I might end up being the only person on the plane. As it turns out the locals know that this airport takes zero time to get through so all of them turned up more than an hour later and the flight was near full. The internet was fast, it didn't' require a stupid sign in page, and there were power outlets all over the place.

one of the main things I enjoyed about this airport is that they took some time to give it some North Carolina Style - I don't even know what to call it but kind of like a country home. The security people, although they made everyone go through the usual taking off of belts and shoes and electronics out of the bags situation that I have never understood, were really friendly about the whole thing. Dare i say, i saw a few of them smile and say nice things to some of the other customers too.

There was only 1 bar in the entire airport but to be fair to the airport there was only 1 terminal so I suppose we don't really need any more than 1 bar. The beers were outrageously expensive but it is an airport so this surprises no one. I think I paid nearly 20 dollars for a hummus plate and one Miller Lite but you don't exactly go to the airport looking for booze bargains.
If an when i return to Wilmington - and to be honest I don't really think i will (sorry Wilmington) I would definitely look forward to one of the easiest and quickest airports that I have ever encountered... and I have been to a LOT of them.
It seems strange to rate an airport and perhaps this is unfair because it is so small but Wilmington, you charmed me and everything was so easy it would be a crime to give you anything other than a
The planning of the airport looks amazing. It is well organised indeed. and when things are architecturally planned and with friendly people around one will definitely feel good. it seemed like you had amzing experience and its good you shared it on this platform.
keep flourishing.
It is where one sees the wonders of the first world, in Venezuela a country of the 4 world practically and more now with the "revolution" we can not even pay a plane ticket without having the infrastructure that has left this many airline companies have been gone, I love your stories, they are the best, I envy you positively, greetings and my respects friend ... Up the Blockchain and this world of wonderful people.
wow...makes me laugh...I guess people have no money for travel since they lost all their money on the bear market 😂
maybe, i didn't meet anyone there that was involved in blockchain anything, but then again, i don't exactly bring it up. :)
I have never seen an airport so quiet as this.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Looks good 😲
Posted using Partiko Android
Hilarious... Even our bus stands in India have 10 times more commuters than this airport... The decorations are really nice but its a strange thing how can be an air port so empty??
O and yea, bars in air ports arr always expensive. In here 1 pint beer in a normal shop costs around 2.5$ but in airport the price goes to moon(15-20$ 😱)! That's why I never drink at airports 😄
stay well and keep travelling!
Posted using Partiko Android
That looks like some kind of Truman Show airport. Even from the sky it looks all pristine and tidy. hehe