Good news in tourism January 12 – 18, 2020

in #travel5 years ago

The travel & tourism industry is not to blame for all the world’s problems, but it can and should and does assume some responsibility for them. And often helps solves them. That is why you should read “Good news in tourism” and share it with your colleagues and friends. Published on Sunday to be ready on Monday, “Good news in tourism” is the perfect pick-me-up for the start of a working week. And go!

Important “GT” stuff first in case you missed it during the week:

“The best way to support Australia, Australian communities, and the tourism sector is to keep visiting,” says Tourism Australia on its bushfire information resources web page. “If you cannot travel to an affected area due to bushfires, one of the many ways to help includes rescheduling instead of canceling …” Check out “GT’s” unique take on why it is appropriate that Australia has announced itself open for tourism business and why even fire-affected places may be worth a visit.

Upon publishing this post, 32 tourism organisations and five individuals had declared a climate emergency on behalf of Earth’s multi-trillion dollar travel & tourism industry. (For an “emergency” it is all very relaxed.) While The “Good Tourism” Blog greatly respects the Tourism Declares Climate Emergency initiative and its signatories — and deems the story “good news” — “GT” won’t be joining them in making such a declaration.

For links to these and lots of other stories, click