Good news in tourism March 1 – 7, 2020

in #travel5 years ago

Published Sunday to be ready on Monday, “Good news in tourism” is the perfect pick-me-up for the start of a new work week. Let’s get stuck in … And go!

Important “GT” stuff first:

“GT” asked a sample of Tourism Declares Climate Change signatories what they meant by “system change” and “urgent regulatory action” and on Tuesday published a post with their responses. Your correspondent supports points 1 – 4 of the Tourism Declares declaration — individual undertakings and organisational commitments — but is wary of calls for unspecified government intervention as per point 5. (While it doesn’t necessarily lead to friendships to dig a little, someone had to.)

Your correspondent reckons “GT” Insight Partners SUNx — Strong Universal Network and Tourism Declares should collaborate — combine the former’s think tank approach with the latter’s canvassing and petitioning format; come up with a specific manifesto for new government policy and then put it to travel & tourism stakeholders. There is an opportunity there, perhaps, to build a real global movement with a plan, a policy proposal, and stakeholder support … (But what would “GT” know?)

Diversity of thought is welcome on The “Good Tourism” Blog ...

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